if periphemu == nil then error("Attaching peripherals is not supported in vanilla mode.") end local args = { ... } if args[1] == "list" then print("Available peripheral types:") for _,p in ipairs(periphemu.names()) do print(p) end elseif type(args[1]) ~= "string" or type(args[2]) ~= "string" then print("Usage: attach [options...]\n attach list") else if peripheral.isPresent(args[1]) and peripheral.getType(args[1]) == args[2] then print("Peripheral already attached") return end if tonumber(args[3]) ~= nil then args[3] = tonumber(args[3]) end local ok, err = periphemu.create(args[1], args[2], args[3]) if not ok then printError("Could not attach peripheral" .. (err and ": " .. err or "")) end end