local tArgs = { ... } local function printUsage() local programName = "redstone" print("Usages:") print(programName .. " probe") print(programName .. " set ") print(programName .. " set ") print(programName .. " pulse ") end local sCommand = tArgs[1] if sCommand == "probe" then -- "redstone probe" -- Regular input print("Redstone inputs: ") local count = 0 local bundledCount = 0 for _, sSide in ipairs(redstone.getSides()) do if redstone.getBundledInput(sSide) > 0 then bundledCount = bundledCount + 1 end if redstone.getInput(sSide) then if count > 0 then io.write(", ") end io.write(sSide) count = count + 1 end end if count > 0 then print(".") else print("None.") end -- Bundled input if bundledCount > 0 then print() print("Bundled inputs:") for _, sSide in ipairs(redstone.getSides()) do local nInput = redstone.getBundledInput(sSide) if nInput ~= 0 then write(sSide .. ": ") local count = 0 for sColour, nColour in pairs(colors) do if type(nColour) == "number" and colors.test(nInput, nColour) then if count > 0 then write(", ") end if term.isColour() then term.setTextColour(nColour) end write(sColour) if term.isColour() then term.setTextColour(colours.white) end count = count + 1 end end print(".") end end end elseif sCommand == "pulse" then -- "redstone pulse" local sSide = tArgs[2] local nCount = tonumber(tArgs[3]) or 1 local nPeriod = tonumber(tArgs[4]) or 0.5 for _ = 1, nCount do redstone.setOutput(sSide, true) sleep(nPeriod / 2) redstone.setOutput(sSide, false) sleep(nPeriod / 2) end elseif sCommand == "set" then -- "redstone set" local sSide = tArgs[2] if #tArgs > 3 then -- Bundled cable output local sColour = tArgs[3] local nColour = colors[sColour] or colours[sColour] if type(nColour) ~= "number" then printError("No such color") return end local sValue = tArgs[4] if sValue == "true" then rs.setBundledOutput(sSide, colors.combine(rs.getBundledOutput(sSide), nColour)) elseif sValue == "false" then rs.setBundledOutput(sSide, colors.subtract(rs.getBundledOutput(sSide), nColour)) else print("Value must be boolean") end else -- Regular output local sValue = tArgs[3] local nValue = tonumber(sValue) if sValue == "true" then rs.setOutput(sSide, true) elseif sValue == "false" then rs.setOutput(sSide, false) elseif nValue and nValue >= 0 and nValue <= 15 then rs.setAnalogOutput(sSide, nValue) else print("Value must be boolean or 0-15") end end else -- Something else printUsage() end