sleep(0.1) -- Display the start screen local w, h = term.getSize() local headingColour, textColour, wormColour, fruitColour if term.isColour() then headingColour = colours.yellow textColour = colours.white wormColour = fruitColour = else headingColour = colours.white textColour = colours.white wormColour = colours.white fruitColour = colours.white end local function printCentred(y, s) local x = math.floor((w - #s) / 2) term.setCursorPos(x, y) --term.clearLine() term.write(s) end local xVel, yVel = 1, 0 local xPos, yPos = math.floor(w / 2), math.floor(h / 2) local pxVel, pyVel = nil, nil local nExtraLength = 6 local bRunning = true local tailX, tailY = xPos, yPos local nScore = 0 local nDifficulty = 2 local nSpeed, nInterval -- Setup the screen local screen = {} for x = 1, w do screen[x] = {} for y = 1, h do screen[x][y] = {} end end screen[xPos][yPos] = { snake = true } local nFruit = 1 local tFruits = { "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0", "@", "$", "%", "#", "&", "!", "?", "+", "*", "~", } local function addFruit() while true do local x = math.random(1, w) local y = math.random(2, h) local fruit = screen[x][y] if fruit.snake == nil and fruit.wall == nil and fruit.fruit == nil then screen[x][y] = { fruit = true } term.setCursorPos(x, y) term.setBackgroundColour(fruitColour) term.write(" ") term.setBackgroundColour( break end end nFruit = nFruit + 1 if nFruit > #tFruits then nFruit = 1 end end local function drawMenu() term.setTextColour(headingColour) term.setCursorPos(1, 1) term.write("SCORE ") term.setTextColour(textColour) term.setCursorPos(7, 1) term.write(tostring(nScore)) term.setTextColour(headingColour) term.setCursorPos(w - 11, 1) term.write("DIFFICULTY ") term.setTextColour(textColour) term.setCursorPos(w, 1) term.write(tostring(nDifficulty or "?")) term.setTextColour(colours.white) end local function update( ) if pxVel and pyVel then xVel, yVel = pxVel, pyVel pxVel, pyVel = nil, nil end -- Remove the tail if nExtraLength == 0 then local tail = screen[tailX][tailY] screen[tailX][tailY] = {} term.setCursorPos(tailX, tailY) term.write(" ") tailX = tail.nextX tailY = tail.nextY else nExtraLength = nExtraLength - 1 end -- Update the head local head = screen[xPos][yPos] local newXPos = xPos + xVel local newYPos = yPos + yVel if newXPos < 1 then newXPos = w elseif newXPos > w then newXPos = 1 end if newYPos < 2 then newYPos = h elseif newYPos > h then newYPos = 2 end local newHead = screen[newXPos][newYPos] if newHead.snake == true or newHead.wall == true then bRunning = false else if newHead.fruit == true then nScore = nScore + 10 nExtraLength = nExtraLength + 1 addFruit() end xPos = newXPos yPos = newYPos head.nextX = newXPos head.nextY = newYPos screen[newXPos][newYPos] = { snake = true } end term.setCursorPos(xPos, yPos) term.setBackgroundColour(wormColour) term.write(" ") term.setBackgroundColour( drawMenu() end -- Display the frontend term.clear() local function drawFrontend() --term.setTextColour( titleColour ) --printCentred( math.floor(h/2) - 4, " W O R M " ) term.setTextColour(headingColour) printCentred(math.floor(h / 2) - 3, "") printCentred(math.floor(h / 2) - 2, " SELECT DIFFICULTY ") printCentred(math.floor(h / 2) - 1, "") printCentred(math.floor(h / 2) + 0, " ") printCentred(math.floor(h / 2) + 1, " ") printCentred(math.floor(h / 2) + 2, " ") printCentred(math.floor(h / 2) - 1 + nDifficulty, " [ ] ") term.setTextColour(textColour) printCentred(math.floor(h / 2) + 0, "EASY") printCentred(math.floor(h / 2) + 1, "MEDIUM") printCentred(math.floor(h / 2) + 2, "HARD") printCentred(math.floor(h / 2) + 3, "") term.setTextColour(colours.white) end drawMenu() drawFrontend() while true do local _, key = os.pullEvent("key") if key == keys.up or key == keys.w then -- Up if nDifficulty > 1 then nDifficulty = nDifficulty - 1 drawMenu() drawFrontend() end elseif key == keys.down or key == keys.s then -- Down if nDifficulty < 3 then nDifficulty = nDifficulty + 1 drawMenu() drawFrontend() end elseif key == keys.enter or key == keys.numPadEnter then -- Enter/Numpad Enter break end end local tSpeeds = { 5, 10, 25 } nSpeed = tSpeeds[nDifficulty] nInterval = 1 / nSpeed -- Grow the snake to its intended size term.clear() drawMenu() screen[tailX][tailY].snake = true while nExtraLength > 0 do update() end addFruit() addFruit() -- Play the game local timer = os.startTimer(0) while bRunning do local event, p1 = os.pullEvent() if event == "timer" and p1 == timer then timer = os.startTimer(nInterval) update(false) elseif event == "key" then local key = p1 if key == keys.up or key == keys.w then -- Up if yVel == 0 then pxVel, pyVel = 0, -1 end elseif key == keys.down or key == keys.s then -- Down if yVel == 0 then pxVel, pyVel = 0, 1 end elseif key == keys.left or key == keys.a then -- Left if xVel == 0 then pxVel, pyVel = -1, 0 end elseif key == keys.right or key == keys.d then -- Right if xVel == 0 then pxVel, pyVel = 1, 0 end end end end -- Display the gameover screen term.setTextColour(headingColour) printCentred(math.floor(h / 2) - 2, " ") printCentred(math.floor(h / 2) - 1, " G A M E O V E R ") term.setTextColour(textColour) printCentred(math.floor(h / 2) + 0, " ") printCentred(math.floor(h / 2) + 1, " FINAL SCORE " .. nScore .. " ") printCentred(math.floor(h / 2) + 2, " ") term.setTextColour(colours.white) local timer = os.startTimer(2.5) repeat local e, p = os.pullEvent() if e == "timer" and p == timer then term.setTextColour(textColour) printCentred(math.floor(h / 2) + 2, " PRESS ANY KEY ") printCentred(math.floor(h / 2) + 3, " ") term.setTextColour(colours.white) end until e == "char" term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1, 1)