local function printUsage() local programName = "wget" print("Usage:") print(programName .. " [filename]") print(programName .. " run ") end local tArgs = { ... } local run = false if tArgs[1] == "run" then table.remove(tArgs, 1) run = true end if #tArgs < 1 then printUsage() return end local url = table.remove(tArgs, 1) if not http then printError("wget requires the http API") printError("Set http.enabled to true in CC: Tweaked's config") return end local function getFilename(sUrl) sUrl = sUrl:gsub("[#?].*" , ""):gsub("/+$" , "") return sUrl:match("/([^/]+)$") end local function get(sUrl) -- Check if the URL is valid local ok, err = http.checkURL(url) if not ok then printError(err or "Invalid URL.") return end write("Connecting to " .. sUrl .. "... ") local response = http.get(sUrl , nil , true) if not response then print("Failed.") return nil end print("Success.") local sResponse = response.readAll() response.close() return sResponse or "" end if run then local res = get(url) if not res then return end local func, err = load(res, getFilename(url), "t", _ENV) if not func then printError(err) return end local ok, err = pcall(func, table.unpack(tArgs)) if not ok then printError(err) end else local sFile = tArgs[1] or getFilename(url) or url local sPath = shell.resolve(sFile) if fs.exists(sPath) then print("File already exists") return end local res = get(url) if not res then return end local file, err = fs.open(sPath, "wb") if not file then printError("Cannot save file: " .. err) return end file.write(res) file.close() print("Downloaded as " .. sFile) end