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2022-06-18 13:05:48 +02:00
class_name CheatCodeListener
extends Node
signal cheat_activated
signal cheat_progress
## Allow pressing the wrong button
export (bool) var allow_mistakes: bool = false
## If the cheat code progress should automatically be reset
export (bool) var has_timeout: bool = true
## Automatically reset cheat code progress after `timeout_delay` seconds
export (float) var timeout_delay: float = 2.0
## Stop listening for input
export (bool) var disabled: bool = false setget set_disabled
## Will the signal be called every time the cheat code is activated, or only once?
export (bool) var repeat: bool = false
## Use the `CheatCode` resource
export (Resource) var code
var code_progress: int = 0
var first_time: bool = false
var timeout_timer: float = timeout_delay
func _ready() -> void:
assert(code is CheatCode, "%s/code MUST be of type `CheatCode`" % get_path())
func _process(delta: float) -> void:
if disabled: return
timeout_timer -= delta
if timeout_timer <= 0.0 and has_timeout:
code_progress = 0
emit_signal("cheat_progress", 0)
func _input(event: InputEvent) -> void:
if disabled: return
if event is InputEventKey:
if event.pressed and not event.echo \
and not event.control and not event.shift \
and not event.meta and not event.alt:
var next_key = code.entries[code_progress] if \
code.entries[code_progress] != 0 else KEY_UP
if next_key == event.scancode:
code_progress += 1
timeout_timer = timeout_delay
if code_progress == len(code.entries):
if not repeat and not first_time:
first_time = true
code_progress = 0
emit_signal("cheat_progress", code_progress)
elif not allow_mistakes:
code_progress = 0
emit_signal("cheat_progress", code_progress)
func set_disabled(new_value: bool) -> void:
disabled = new_value
code_progress = 0
timeout_timer = timeout_delay