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2022-06-18 13:05:48 +02:00
extends Node2D
class_name AweSplashScreen, "res://addons/awesome_splash/assets/icon/splash_screen_icon.png"
signal finished
export(bool) var is_skip_appear_transition = false
export(bool) var is_skip_disappear_transition = false
onready var aspect_node: AspectNode setget ,_get_aspect_node
onready var outline_frame: Control setget, _get_outline_frame
var origin_size: Vector2 setget , _get_origin_size
### BUILD IN ENGINE METHODS ====================================================
func _ready():
var outline_frame = self.outline_frame
if outline_frame != null:
self.outline_frame.visible = false
func _get_configuration_warning():
var warnings = PoolStringArray()
if not self.outline_frame:
warnings.append("%s is missing a AspectNode" % name)
warnings.append("You can add AspectNode from \"Instance child scene\" button ")
warnings.append("or you can drag and drop AspectNode.tscn from addons/awesome_splash/")
return warnings.join("\n")
### PUBLIC METHODS =============================================================
func update_aspect_node_frame(parent_size: Vector2):
var aspect_node = self.aspect_node
if aspect_node == null:
aspect_node.parrent_size = parent_size
func load_texture(path: String) -> ImageTexture:
var image =
var err = image.load(path)
var texture =
if err != OK:
print("%s is load fail" % path)
return texture
texture.create_from_image(image, 0)
return texture
### PRIVATE METHODS ============================================================
func _get_aspect_node() -> AspectNode:
for child in get_children():
if child is AspectNode:
return child
return null
func _get_outline_frame() -> Control:
var aspect_node = self.aspect_node
if aspect_node == null:
return null
for child in aspect_node.get_children():
if == "OutlineFrame":
return child
return null
func _get_origin_size() -> Vector2:
var aspect_node = self.aspect_node
if aspect_node == null:
return Vector2.ZERO
return aspect_node.origin_size
func finished_animation():
func skip():
### VIRTUAL FUNC ===============================================================
func get_name() -> String:
return ""
func play():