tool extends TextEdit const ChooseTitleDialog = preload("res://addons/dialogue_manager/views/") signal active_title_changed(title) export var _choose_title_dialog := NodePath() onready var choose_title_dialog: ChooseTitleDialog = get_node(_choose_title_dialog) var active_title_id: int = 0 var current_goto_title: String = "" var current_goto_line: int = -1 var last_selection_text: String = "" var GOTO_ITEM_INDEX = -1 var CREATE_ITEM_INDEX = -1 var PICK_ITEM_INDEX = -1 func _ready() -> void: # Set up popup menu var menu = get_menu() menu.connect("about_to_show", self, "_on_menu_about_to_show") menu.connect("index_pressed", self, "_on_menu_index_pressed") menu.add_separator() menu.add_item("Go to " + current_goto_title, 101, KEY_MASK_CTRL | KEY_MASK_SHIFT | KEY_G) GOTO_ITEM_INDEX = menu.get_item_index(101) menu.add_item("Create " + current_goto_title, 102, KEY_MASK_CTRL | KEY_MASK_SHIFT | KEY_C) CREATE_ITEM_INDEX = menu.get_item_index(102) menu.add_icon_item(get_icon("Search", "EditorIcons"), "Choose a jump target...", 103, KEY_MASK_CTRL | KEY_MASK_SHIFT | KEY_SPACE) PICK_ITEM_INDEX = menu.get_item_index(103) # Set up choose title dialog choose_title_dialog.connect("title_chosen", self, "_on_title_chosen") # Colors var title_color = get_color("accent_color", "Editor") var comment_color = get_color("font_color", "Editor") comment_color.a = 0.5 var condition_color = get_color("error_color", "Editor") var value_color = get_color("warning_color", "Editor") var mutation_color = get_color("success_color", "Editor") var goto_color = get_color("accent_color", "Editor") goto_color.a = 0.7 var dialogue_color = get_color("mono_color", "Editor") # Title add_color_region("~", "~", title_color, true) # Comments add_color_region("#", "##", comment_color, true) # Conditions add_keyword_color("if", condition_color) add_keyword_color("elif", condition_color) add_keyword_color("else", condition_color) add_keyword_color("endif", condition_color) add_keyword_color("in", condition_color) add_keyword_color("and", condition_color) add_keyword_color("or", condition_color) add_keyword_color("not", condition_color) # Values add_keyword_color("true", value_color) add_keyword_color("false", value_color) add_color_override("number_color", value_color) add_color_region("\"", "\"", value_color) # Mutations add_keyword_color("do", mutation_color) add_keyword_color("set", mutation_color) add_color_override("function_color", mutation_color) # Jumps add_color_region("=>", "<=", goto_color, true) # Dialogue add_color_region(": ", "::", dialogue_color, true) # Errors add_color_override("bookmark_color", Color("ff5555")) # General UI add_constant_override("line_spacing", 10) add_color_override("symbol_color", get_color("font_color", "Editor")) add_color_override("font_color", get_color("font_color", "Editor")) add_color_override("background_color", get_color("base_color", "Editor")) add_color_override("current_line_color", get_color("base_color", "Editor").lightened(0.1)) add_font_override("font", get_font("source", "EditorFonts")) func _gui_input(event): if not event is InputEventKey: return if not event.is_pressed(): return match event.as_text(): "Control+Shift+G": go_to_title(current_goto_title) "Control+Shift+C": create_title(current_goto_title) "Control+Shift+Space": choose_title_dialog.choose_a_title(get_titles()) func insert_bbcode(open_tag: String, close_tag: String = "") -> void: if close_tag == "": insert_text_at_cursor(open_tag) grab_focus() else: var selected_text = get_selection_text() insert_text_at_cursor("%s%s%s" % [open_tag, selected_text, close_tag]) grab_focus() cursor_set_column(cursor_get_column() - close_tag.length()) func get_titles() -> Array: var titles = PoolStringArray([]) var lines = text.split("\n") for line in lines: if line.begins_with("~ "): titles.append(line.substr(2).strip_edges()) return titles func go_to_title(title: String) -> void: var lines = text.split("\n") for i in range(0, lines.size()): if lines[i].strip_edges() == "~ " + title: cursor_set_line(i) center_viewport_to_cursor() func create_title(title: String) -> void: text = text + "\n\n~ " + title + "\n\nCharacter: This is a new node." emit_signal("text_changed") cursor_set_line(get_line_count() - 1) func check_active_title() -> void: var line_number = cursor_get_line() var lines = text.split("\n") # Look at each line above this one to find the next title line for i in range(line_number, -1, -1): if lines[i].begins_with("~ "): emit_signal("active_title_changed", lines[i].replace("~ ", "")) active_title_id = i break func update_current_goto_title() -> void: var line_number = cursor_get_line() var current_line = get_line(line_number) # If we are on a goto line then make a note of the title and the line # of the target title (if it exists) if "=> " in current_line: current_goto_title = current_line.substr(current_line.find("=> ") + 3).strip_edges() # Check if title exists current_goto_line = -1 var lines = text.split("\n") for i in range(0, lines.size()): if lines[i].strip_edges() == "~ " + current_goto_title: current_goto_line = i break # Otherwise just clear it out else: current_goto_title = "" current_goto_line = -1 ### Signals func _on_menu_about_to_show(): update_current_goto_title() # Update our special menu items based on what the goto details are var menu = get_menu() if current_goto_title != "": # END is a special title which ends the conversation. It never points # to an actual title if current_goto_title == "END": menu.set_item_text(CREATE_ITEM_INDEX, "Create node") menu.set_item_disabled(CREATE_ITEM_INDEX, true) menu.set_item_text(GOTO_ITEM_INDEX, "Jump to node") menu.set_item_disabled(GOTO_ITEM_INDEX, true) # Otherwise we can either go to the title or create it if it doesn't # exist. else: menu.set_item_text(GOTO_ITEM_INDEX, "Jump to " + current_goto_title) menu.set_item_disabled(GOTO_ITEM_INDEX, current_goto_line == -1) menu.set_item_text(CREATE_ITEM_INDEX, "Create " + current_goto_title) menu.set_item_disabled(CREATE_ITEM_INDEX, current_goto_line > -1) menu.set_item_disabled(PICK_ITEM_INDEX, false) # If we aren't on a goto line then just disable the options else: menu.set_item_text(GOTO_ITEM_INDEX, "Jump to node") menu.set_item_disabled(GOTO_ITEM_INDEX, true) menu.set_item_text(CREATE_ITEM_INDEX, "Create node") menu.set_item_disabled(CREATE_ITEM_INDEX, true) menu.set_item_disabled(PICK_ITEM_INDEX, true) func _on_menu_index_pressed(index): match index: GOTO_ITEM_INDEX: go_to_title(current_goto_title) CREATE_ITEM_INDEX: create_title(current_goto_title) PICK_ITEM_INDEX: choose_title_dialog.choose_a_title(get_titles()) func _on_title_chosen(title): var cursor_line = cursor_get_line() var line: String = get_line(cursor_line) line = line.substr(0, line.find("=> ") + 2) set_line(cursor_line, line + " " + title) current_goto_title = title cursor_set_line(cursor_line) func _on_CodeEditor_cursor_changed(): check_active_title() update_current_goto_title() last_selection_text = get_selection_text() func _on_CodeEditor_text_changed(): check_active_title() update_current_goto_title()