## You can download demo splash screen here ## https://github.com/duongvituan/godot-awesome-splash ## Import a demo AweSplashScreen you like to your project. ## Drag and drop it to SplashContainer. tool extends "res://addons/awesome_splash/core/BaseSplashContainer.gd" #class_name SplashContainer, "res://addons/awesome_splash/assets/icon/splash_container_icon.png" func _ready(): if not Engine.editor_hint: connect("finished_all", self, "_on_finished_all_splash_screen") start_play_list_screen() # Working only for screen type AweSplashScreen and you much set # type skip = SKIP_ONE_SCREEN_WHEN_CLICKED or SKIP_ALL_SCREEN_WHEN_CLICKED # Todo: update condition skip splash screen: when you click, when you press key... func _skip_awe_splash_by_event(event) -> bool: return event is InputEventMouseButton \ and event.pressed \ and event.button_index == 1 # Todo: move to other screen here: func _on_finished_all_splash_screen(): var background = ResourceLoader.load("res://SplashScreenWhite.tscn").instance() get_tree().get_root().add_child(background) gameController.switchToMainScreen(true) #if move_to_scene != null: # get_tree().change_scene_to(move_to_scene) #else: # push_error("Please set move_to_scene in SplashContainer")