# godot_scene_swap_plugin Helps you change your scene gracefully! # How to use: 1. Just download this repo (or get it from asset_lib) 2. Activate plugin 3. Use singleton "scene_manager" to load your scene like: `scene_manager.change_scene_to("res://demo/large_scene.tscn")` Check the results. # How it works: 1. "change_scene_to" is called; 2. Fade out (from loading_scene) is called; 3. Once anim is finished (notified from signal animation_finished); 4. Background thread is invoked; 2. Current scene is released; 3. New scene is loaded 4. Progress is updated 5. Once load is finished 6. New scene is added to node three 7. Once scene is ready (signal three_entered has been invoked), fade_in is called 6. After fade_in is finished, loading_scene is hidden; 7. Background thread is paused # Creating new transitions: 1. Change/copy the included scene 'loading_scene.tscn'; 2. Create/change your animations; 3. Keep emiting the signal animation_finished (with names fade_in or fade_out); 4. Keep the methods fade_in and fade_out (plugin call these); 4. Create/change the progress bar; **So far, only one loading scene is used, then, if you want to show more than one, changes on scene_transition_manager.gd is required**