[gd_resource type="Resource" load_steps=2 format=2] [ext_resource path="res://addons/dialogue_manager/dialogue_resource.gd" type="Script" id=1] [resource] script = ExtResource( 1 ) syntax_version = 2 raw_text = "~ gameend ???: Hello, fellow player of my game. ???: I am JeremyStarTM, the founder and developer of Jessist. JeremyStarTM: I hope you like my game! It cost me many hours of work to make it as good as possible. JeremyStarTM: Did you enjoy Jessist? - Yes => gameend_enjoy_yes - No => gameend_enjoy_no - It did crash a couple of times => gameend_enjoy_crash ~ gameend_enjoy_yes JeremyStarTM: That's awesome! Don't forget that I may not be the only one who developed this game. Many contributors did too! JeremyStarTM: Have a great day! => END ~ gameend_enjoy_no JeremyStarTM: Well... that's a shame. But don't forget that I may not be the only one who developed this game. Many contributors did too! JeremyStarTM: Have a great day! => END ~ gameend_enjoy_crash JeremyStarTM: Oh! That isn't good. Please report any bugs! JeremyStarTM: You can send them via email to support@staropensource.ddns.net or create a issue at https://staropensource.ddns.net/gitea/staropensource/jessist/issues. JeremyStarTM: Have a great day! => END" errors = [ ] titles = { "gameend": "2", "gameend_enjoy_crash": "21", "gameend_enjoy_no": "16", "gameend_enjoy_yes": "11" } lines = { "0": { "next_id": "2", "text": "gameend", "type": "title" }, "10": { "next_id": "11", "text": "gameend_enjoy_yes", "type": "title" }, "11": { "character": "JeremyStarTM", "character_replacements": [ ], "inline_mutations": [ ], "next_id": "12", "pauses": { }, "replacements": [ ], "speeds": [ ], "text": "That's awesome! Don't forget that I may not be the only one who developed this game. Many contributors did too!", "time": null, "translation_key": "That's awesome! Don't forget that I may not be the only one who developed this game. Many contributors did too!", "type": "dialogue" }, "12": { "character": "JeremyStarTM", "character_replacements": [ ], "inline_mutations": [ ], "next_id": "13", "pauses": { }, "replacements": [ ], "speeds": [ ], "text": "Have a great day!", "time": null, "translation_key": "Have a great day!", "type": "dialogue" }, "13": { "next_id": "end", "type": "goto" }, "15": { "next_id": "16", "text": "gameend_enjoy_no", "type": "title" }, "16": { "character": "JeremyStarTM", "character_replacements": [ ], "inline_mutations": [ ], "next_id": "17", "pauses": { }, "replacements": [ ], "speeds": [ ], "text": "Well... that's a shame. But don't forget that I may not be the only one who developed this game. Many contributors did too!", "time": null, "translation_key": "Well... that's a shame. But don't forget that I may not be the only one who developed this game. Many contributors did too!", "type": "dialogue" }, "17": { "character": "JeremyStarTM", "character_replacements": [ ], "inline_mutations": [ ], "next_id": "18", "pauses": { }, "replacements": [ ], "speeds": [ ], "text": "Have a great day!", "time": null, "translation_key": "Have a great day!", "type": "dialogue" }, "18": { "next_id": "end", "type": "goto" }, "2": { "character": "???", "character_replacements": [ ], "inline_mutations": [ ], "next_id": "3", "pauses": { }, "replacements": [ ], "speeds": [ ], "text": "Hello, fellow player of my game.", "time": null, "translation_key": "Hello, fellow player of my game.", "type": "dialogue" }, "20": { "next_id": "21", "text": "gameend_enjoy_crash", "type": "title" }, "21": { "character": "JeremyStarTM", "character_replacements": [ ], "inline_mutations": [ ], "next_id": "22", "pauses": { }, "replacements": [ ], "speeds": [ ], "text": "Oh! That isn't good. Please report any bugs!", "time": null, "translation_key": "Oh! That isn't good. Please report any bugs!", "type": "dialogue" }, "22": { "character": "JeremyStarTM", "character_replacements": [ ], "inline_mutations": [ ], "next_id": "23", "pauses": { }, "replacements": [ ], "speeds": [ ], "text": "You can send them via email to support@staropensource.ddns.net or create a issue at https://staropensource.ddns.net/gitea/staropensource/jessist/issues.", "time": null, "translation_key": "You can send them via email to support@staropensource.ddns.net or create a issue at https://staropensource.ddns.net/gitea/staropensource/jessist/issues.", "type": "dialogue" }, "23": { "character": "JeremyStarTM", "character_replacements": [ ], "inline_mutations": [ ], "next_id": "24", "pauses": { }, "replacements": [ ], "speeds": [ ], "text": "Have a great day!", "time": null, "translation_key": "Have a great day!", "type": "dialogue" }, "24": { "next_id": "end", "type": "goto" }, "3": { "character": "???", "character_replacements": [ ], "inline_mutations": [ ], "next_id": "4", "pauses": { }, "replacements": [ ], "speeds": [ ], "text": "I am JeremyStarTM, the founder and developer of Jessist.", "time": null, "translation_key": "I am JeremyStarTM, the founder and developer of Jessist.", "type": "dialogue" }, "4": { "character": "JeremyStarTM", "character_replacements": [ ], "inline_mutations": [ ], "next_id": "5", "pauses": { }, "replacements": [ ], "speeds": [ ], "text": "I hope you like my game! It cost me many hours of work to make it as good as possible.", "time": null, "translation_key": "I hope you like my game! It cost me many hours of work to make it as good as possible.", "type": "dialogue" }, "5": { "character": "JeremyStarTM", "character_replacements": [ ], "inline_mutations": [ ], "next_id": "6", "pauses": { }, "replacements": [ ], "speeds": [ ], "text": "Did you enjoy Jessist?", "time": null, "translation_key": "Did you enjoy Jessist?", "type": "dialogue" }, "6": { "next_id": "11", "next_id_after": "end", "replacements": [ ], "responses": PoolStringArray( "6", "7", "8" ), "text": "Yes", "translation_key": "Yes", "type": "response" }, "7": { "next_id": "16", "next_id_after": "end", "replacements": [ ], "text": "No", "translation_key": "No", "type": "response" }, "8": { "next_id": "21", "next_id_after": "end", "replacements": [ ], "text": "It did crash a couple of times", "translation_key": "It did crash a couple of times", "type": "response" } }