[gd_resource type="Resource" load_steps=2 format=2] [ext_resource path="res://addons/dialogue_manager/dialogue_resource.gd" type="Script" id=1] [resource] script = ExtResource( 1 ) syntax_version = 2 raw_text = "~ introduction ???: Hello, fellow player. I am Timeleton. Timeleton: I see you are trying to kill my friends and family. [wait=1]I don't like that. Timeleton: And because you are doing harm to my family and friends, I must harm you too. Timeleton: [speed=0.5]Have fun... [speed=5]to [color=red][shake rate=20 level=20]die[/shake][/color]! [wait=1.5]And don't try to jump on me! set gamePaused = false => END ~ death Timeleton: What? You actually beat me? Timeleton: This isn't fair! I told you to not jump on me, do I speak chinese? Timeleton: [speed=0.5]Well then... [wait=2][speed=0.1][shake rate=20 level=10]Goodbye.[/shake] Timeleton: [speed=0.05][shake rate=20 level=20]Goodbye.[/shake] Timeleton: [speed=0.025][color=red][shake rate=25 level=30]Goodbye.[/shake][/color] => END" errors = [ ] titles = { "death": "10", "introduction": "2" } lines = { "0": { "next_id": "2", "text": "introduction", "type": "title" }, "10": { "character": "Timeleton", "character_replacements": [ ], "inline_mutations": [ ], "next_id": "11", "pauses": { }, "replacements": [ ], "speeds": [ ], "text": "What? You actually beat me?", "time": null, "translation_key": "What? You actually beat me?", "type": "dialogue" }, "11": { "character": "Timeleton", "character_replacements": [ ], "inline_mutations": [ ], "next_id": "12", "pauses": { }, "replacements": [ ], "speeds": [ ], "text": "This isn't fair! I told you to not jump on me, do I speak chinese?", "time": null, "translation_key": "This isn't fair! I told you to not jump on me, do I speak chinese?", "type": "dialogue" }, "12": { "character": "Timeleton", "character_replacements": [ ], "inline_mutations": [ ], "next_id": "13", "pauses": { 13: 2.0 }, "replacements": [ ], "speeds": [ [ 0, 0.5 ], [ 13, 0.1 ] ], "text": "Well then... [shake rate=20 level=10]Goodbye.[/shake]", "time": null, "translation_key": "Well then... [shake rate=20 level=10]Goodbye.[/shake]", "type": "dialogue" }, "13": { "character": "Timeleton", "character_replacements": [ ], "inline_mutations": [ ], "next_id": "14", "pauses": { }, "replacements": [ ], "speeds": [ [ 0, 0.05 ] ], "text": "[shake rate=20 level=20]Goodbye.[/shake]", "time": null, "translation_key": "[shake rate=20 level=20]Goodbye.[/shake]", "type": "dialogue" }, "14": { "character": "Timeleton", "character_replacements": [ ], "inline_mutations": [ ], "next_id": "15", "pauses": { }, "replacements": [ ], "speeds": [ [ 0, 0.025 ] ], "text": "[color=red][shake rate=25 level=30]Goodbye.[/shake][/color]", "time": null, "translation_key": "[color=red][shake rate=25 level=30]Goodbye.[/shake][/color]", "type": "dialogue" }, "15": { "next_id": "end", "type": "goto" }, "2": { "character": "???", "character_replacements": [ ], "inline_mutations": [ ], "next_id": "3", "pauses": { }, "replacements": [ ], "speeds": [ ], "text": "Hello, fellow player. I am Timeleton.", "time": null, "translation_key": "Hello, fellow player. I am Timeleton.", "type": "dialogue" }, "3": { "character": "Timeleton", "character_replacements": [ ], "inline_mutations": [ ], "next_id": "4", "pauses": { 52: 1.0 }, "replacements": [ ], "speeds": [ ], "text": "I see you are trying to kill my friends and family. I don't like that.", "time": null, "translation_key": "I see you are trying to kill my friends and family. I don't like that.", "type": "dialogue" }, "4": { "character": "Timeleton", "character_replacements": [ ], "inline_mutations": [ ], "next_id": "5", "pauses": { }, "replacements": [ ], "speeds": [ ], "text": "And because you are doing harm to my family and friends, I must harm you too.", "time": null, "translation_key": "And because you are doing harm to my family and friends, I must harm you too.", "type": "dialogue" }, "5": { "character": "Timeleton", "character_replacements": [ ], "inline_mutations": [ ], "next_id": "6", "pauses": { 20: 1.5 }, "replacements": [ ], "speeds": [ [ 0, 0.5 ], [ 12, 5.0 ] ], "text": "Have fun... to [color=red][shake rate=20 level=20]die[/shake][/color]! And don't try to jump on me!", "time": null, "translation_key": "Have fun... to [color=red][shake rate=20 level=20]die[/shake][/color]! And don't try to jump on me!", "type": "dialogue" }, "6": { "mutation": { "expression": [ { "type": "variable", "value": "gamePaused" }, { "type": "assignment", "value": "=" }, { "type": "bool", "value": false } ] }, "next_id": "7", "type": "mutation" }, "7": { "next_id": "end", "type": "goto" }, "9": { "next_id": "10", "text": "death", "type": "title" } }