#!/bin/bash function varCleanup() { export "SOSSSH_PASSWD=" } function setConstant() { export "SOSSSH_VERSION=dev5" } function getDefaultConfiguration() { # SOSSSH_CONFIGVERSION=1 # # sos-ssh configuration\n # # this is the default configuration, you\n # # may make changes in sos-ssh.conf.d\n # # since they may get overriten in a future\n # # update.\n # \n # # Commands\n # ## SSH\n # ## DEFAULT: /bin/ssh\n # #SOSSSH_SSH=/bin/ssh\n # \n # ## SSHpass\n # ## DEFAULT: /bin/sshpass\n # #SOSSSH_SSHPASS=/bin/sshpass\n # #\n # ## Editor\n # ## DEFAULT: /bin/nano\n # ## You may want to set this to /bin/vi\n # ## or /bin/vim or any other editor.\n # #SOSSSH_EDITOR=/bin/nano\n # #\n # ## cURL\n # ## DEFAULT: /bin/curl\n # #SOSSSH_CURL=/bin/curl\n # #\n # ## ls\n # ## DEFAULT: /bin/ls\n # ## The ls command must be from GNU\n # ## coreutils, otherwise it may not\n # ## work correctly with sos-ssh.\n # #SOSSSH_LS=/bin/ls\n # #\n # ## rm\n # ## DEFAULT: /bin/rm\n # ## The rm command must be from GNU\n # ## coreutils, otherwise it may not\n # ## work correctly with sos-ssh.\n # #SOSSSH_RM=/bin/rm\n # #\n # ## mkdir\n # ## DEFAULT: /bin/mkdir\n # ## The mkdir command must be from\n # ## GNU coreutils, otherwise it may\n # ## not work correctly with sos-ssh.\n # #SOSSSH_MKDIR=/bin/mkdir\n # #\n # ## mv\n # ## DEFAULT: /bin/mv\n # ## The mv command must be from GNU\n # ## coreutils, otherwise it may not\n # ## work correctly with sos-ssh.\n # #SOSSSH_MV=/bin/mv\n # #\n # ## chmod\n # ## DEFAULT: /bin/chmod\n # ## The chmod command must be from\n # ## GNU coreutils, otherwise it may\n # ## not work correctly with sos-ssh.\n # #SOSSSH_CHMOD=/bin/chmod\n # #\n # ## ping\n # ## DEFAULT: /bin/ping\n # ## The ping command used to\n # ## check if the server is online.\n # #SOSSSH_PING=/bin/ping\n # \n # # Title\n # ## Suppress\n # ## DEFAULT: false\n # ## This hides the branding at\n # ## startup completely.\n # #SOSSSH_TITLE_SUPPRESS=false\n # #\n # ## Text\n # ## DEFAULT: false\n # ## This prints the branding\n # ## at startup in normal text.\n # #SOSSSH_TITLE_TEXT=false\n # \n # # Temp\n # # DEFAULT: /dev/shm\n # # The temporary directory.\n # # NO TRAILING SLASH AT THE END!\n # #SOSSSH_TMP=/dev/shm\n # \n # # Internet\n # ## Update URL\n # ## DEFAULT: https://staropensource.ddns.net\n # ## /git/staropensource/sostools\n # ## /raw/branch/develop/sos-ssh.sh # ## The update URL, from where sos-ssh gets\n # ## updates. The save location will be\n # ## determined from the command line arguments.\n # #SOSSSH_UPDATEURL=https://staropensource.ddns.net/git/staropensource/sostools/raw/branch/develop/sos-ssh.sh\n # #\n # ## SSH host\n # ## DEFAULT: staropensource.ddns.net\n # ## The SSH host. If left empty, the\n # ## setup process will ask for it.\n # #SOSSSH_HOST=staropensource.ddns.net\n # #\n # ## SSH port\n # ## DEFAULT: 22\n # ## The SSH port. If left empty, the\n # ## setup process will ask for it.\n # ## INFO: Currently ignored!\n # #SOSSSH_PORT=22\n # #\n # ## SSH username\n # ## DEFAULT: root\n # ## The SSH username. If left empty, the\n # ## setup process will ask for it.\n # #SOSSSH_USERNAME=root\n # #\n # ## SSH password\n # ## DEFAULT:\n # ## The SSH password. If left empty, the\n # ## setup process will ask for it.\n # #SOSSSH_PASSWD=\n export "SOSSSH_EXITSTRING=SOSSSH_CONFIGVERSION=1\n# sos-ssh configuration\n# this is the default configuration, you\n# may make changes in sos-ssh.conf.d\n# since they may get overriten in a future\n# update.\n\n# Commands\n## SSH\n## DEFAULT: /bin/ssh\n#SOSSSH_SSH=/bin/ssh\n\n## SSHpass\n## DEFAULT: /bin/sshpass\n#SOSSSH_SSHPASS=/bin/sshpass\n#\n## Editor\n## DEFAULT: /bin/nano\n## You may want to set this to /bin/vi\n## or /bin/vim or any other editor.\n#SOSSSH_EDITOR=/bin/nano\n#\n## cURL\n## DEFAULT: /bin/curl\n#SOSSSH_CURL=/bin/curl\n#\n## ls\n## DEFAULT: /bin/ls\n## The ls command must be from GNU\n## coreutils, otherwise it may not\n## work correctly with sos-ssh.\n#SOSSSH_LS=/bin/ls\n#\n## rm\n## DEFAULT: /bin/rm\n## The rm command must be from GNU\n## coreutils, otherwise it may not\n## work correctly with sos-ssh.\n#SOSSSH_RM=/bin/rm\n#\n## mkdir\n## DEFAULT: /bin/mkdir\n## The mkdir command must be from\n## GNU coreutils, otherwise it may\n## not work correctly with sos-ssh.\n#SOSSSH_MKDIR=/bin/mkdir\n#\n## mv\n## DEFAULT: /bin/mv\n## The mv command must be from GNU\n## coreutils, otherwise it may not\n## work correctly with sos-ssh.\n#SOSSSH_MV=/bin/mv\n#\n## chmod\n## DEFAULT: /bin/chmod\n## The chmod command must be from\n## GNU coreutils, otherwise it may\n## not work correctly with sos-ssh.\n#SOSSSH_CHMOD=/bin/chmod\n#\n## ping\n## DEFAULT: /bin/ping\n## The ping command used to\n## check if the server is online.\n#SOSSSH_PING=/bin/ping\n\n# Title\n## Suppress\n## DEFAULT: false\n## This hides the branding at\n## startup completely.\n#SOSSSH_TITLE_SUPPRESS=false\n#\n## Text\n## DEFAULT: false\n## This prints the branding\n## at startup in normal text.\n#SOSSSH_TITLE_TEXT=false\n\n# Temp\n# DEFAULT: /dev/shm\n# The temporary directory.\n# NO TRAILING SLASH AT THE END!\n#SOSSSH_TMP=/dev/shm\n\n# Internet\n## Update URL\n## DEFAULT: https://staropensource.ddns.net\n## /git/staropensource/sostools\n## /raw/branch/develop/sos-ssh.sh## The update URL, from where sos-ssh gets\n## updates. The save location will be\n## determined from the command line arguments.\n#SOSSSH_UPDATEURL=https://staropensource.ddns.net/git/staropensource/sostools/raw/branch/develop/sos-ssh.sh\n#\n## SSH host\n## DEFAULT: staropensource.ddns.net\n## The SSH host. If left empty, the\n## setup process will ask for it.\n#SOSSSH_HOST=staropensource.ddns.net\n#\n## SSH port\n## DEFAULT: 22\n## The SSH port. If left empty, the\n## setup process will ask for it.\n## INFO: Currently ignored!\n#SOSSSH_PORT=22\n#\n## SSH username\n## DEFAULT: root\n## The SSH username. If left empty, the\n## setup process will ask for it.\n#SOSSSH_USERNAME=root\n#\n## SSH password\n## DEFAULT:\n## The SSH password. If left empty, the\n## setup process will ask for it.\n#SOSSSH_PASSWD=\n" return "0" } function loadDefaultConfiguration() { export "SOSSSH_CONFIGVERSION=1" export "SOSSSH_SETUP_USER=false" export "SOSSSH_SETUP_SYSTEM=false" export "SOSSSH_SSH=/bin/ssh" export "SOSSSH_SSHPASS=/bin/sshpass" export "SOSSSH_EDITOR=/bin/nano" export "SOSSSH_CURL=/bin/curl" export "SOSSSH_LS=/bin/ls" export "SOSSSH_RM=/bin/rm" export "SOSSSH_MKDIR=/bin/mkdir" export "SOSSSH_CHMOD=/bin/chmod" export "SOSSSH_PING=/bin/ping" export "SOSSSH_TITLE_SUPPRESS=false" export "SOSSSH_TITLE_TEXT=false" export "SOSSSH_TMP=/dev/shm" export "SOSSSH_UPDATEURL=https://staropensource.ddns.net/git/staropensource/sostools/raw/branch/develop/sos-ssh.sh" export "SOSSSH_HOST=staropensource.ddns.net" export "SOSSSH_PORT=22" export "SOSSSH_USERNAME=root" export "SOSSSH_PASSWD=" } function loadSystemConfigurationMigrationError() { echo "Your system configuration file is too old, but can't be reset." echo "" echo "If you want to ignore loading the system configuration," echo "create a empty file at $HOME/.sostools/ssh/nosysconf" varCleanup exit "249" } function loadSystemConfiguration() { if [ -f "$HOME/.sostools/ssh/nosysconf" ] || [ -d "$HOME/.sostools/ssh/nosysconf" ]; then return else if [ -f "/etc/sostools/ssh/sos-ssh.conf" ]; then export "SOSSSH_EXITSTRING=$SOSSSH_CONFIGVERSION" source "/etc/sostools/ssh/sos-ssh.conf" if [ ! "$SOSSSH_CONFIGVERSION" == "$SOSSSH_EXITSTRING" ]; then if [ "$(whoami)" == "root" ]; then $SOSSSH_RM -rf "/etc/sostools/ssh/sos-ssh.conf" &> /dev/null if [ ! "$?" == "0" ]; then loadSystemConfigurationMigrationError; fi if [ -f "/etc/sostools/ssh/sos-ssh.conf" ] || [ -d "/etc/sostools/ssh/sos-ssh.conf" ]; then loadSystemConfigurationMigrationError; fi getDefaultConfiguration echo -e "$SOSSSH_EXITSTRING" &> /etc/sostools/ssh/sos-ssh.conf echo "Your system configuration file is too old and has been reset." varCleanup exit "250" else loadSystemConfigurationMigrationError fi fi else if [ "$(whoami)" == "root" ]; then getDefaultConfiguration echo -e "$SOSSSH_EXITSTRING" &> /etc/sostools/ssh/sos-ssh.conf fi fi if [ -d "/etc/sostools/ssh/sos-ssh.conf.d/" ]; then for file in $(/bin/ls -Aw 1 "/etc/sostools/ssh/sos-ssh.conf.d/");do source "/etc/sostools/ssh/sos-ssh.conf.d/${file}" done fi fi } function loadUserConfiguration() { if [ -f "$HOME/.sostools/ssh/sos-ssh.conf" ]; then export "SOSSSH_EXITSTRING=$SOSSSH_CONFIGVERSION" source "$HOME/.sostools/ssh/sos-ssh.conf" if [ ! "$SOSSSH_CONFIGVERSION" == "$SOSSSH_EXITSTRING" ]; then $SOSSSH_RM "$HOME/.sostools/ssh/sos-ssh.conf" &> /dev/null getDefaultConfiguration echo "$SOSSSH_EXITSTRING" &> "$HOME/.sostools/ssh/sos-ssh.conf" echo "Your user configuration file is too old and has been reset." varCleanup exit "251" fi fi if [ -d "$HOME/.sostools/ssh/sos-ssh.conf.d/" ]; then for file in $(/bin/ls -Aw 1 "$HOME/.sostools/ssh/sos-ssh.conf.d/");do source "$HOME/.sostools/ssh/sos-ssh.conf.d/${file}" done fi } function doUserSetup() { if [ "$1" == "force" ] || [ "$1" == "force+noinfo" ] || [ ! "$SOSSSH_SETUP_USER" == "true" ]; then if [ "$1" == "force+noinfo" ] || [ "$1" == "noinfo" ]; then echo -n "" else echo "Writing user configuration" fi $SOSSSH_MKDIR "$HOME/.sostools/ssh/sos-ssh.conf.d" -p getDefaultConfiguration echo -e "$SOSSSH_EXITSTRING" &> $HOME/.sostools/ssh/sos-ssh.conf echo -e "# DO NOT DELETE OR MODIFY THIS FILE\nSOSSSH_SETUP_USER=true" &> $HOME/.sostools/ssh/sos-ssh.conf.d/setup.conf $SOSSSH_CHMOD "+x" "$HOME/.sostools/ssh/sos-ssh.conf" "$HOME/.sostools/ssh/sos.git.conf.d/*" &> /dev/null if [ "$1" == "force+noinfo" ] || [ "$1" == "noinfo" ]; then echo -n "" else echo "Applying new user configuration" fi loadUserConfiguration fi } function doSystemSetup() { if [ "$1" == "force" ] || [ "$1" == "force+noinfo" ] || [ ! "$SOSSSH_SETUP_SYSTEM" == "true" ] && [ "$(whoami)" == "root" ]; then if [ "$1" == "force+noinfo" ] || [ "$1" == "noinfo" ]; then echo -n "" else echo "Writing system configuration" fi $SOSSSH_MKDIR "/etc/sostools/ssh/sos-ssh.conf.d" -p getDefaultConfiguration echo -e "$SOSSSH_EXITSTRING" &> /etc/sostools/ssh/sos-ssh.conf $SOSSSH_CHMOD "+x" "/etc/sostools/ssh/sos-ssh.conf" "/etc/sostools/ssh/sos.git.conf.d/*" &> /dev/null echo -e "# DO NOT DELETE OR MODIFY THIS FILE\nSOSSSH_SETUP_SYSTEM=true" &> /etc/sostools/ssh/sos-ssh.conf.d/setup.conf if [ "$1" == "force+noinfo" ] || [ "$1" == "noinfo" ]; then echo -n "" else echo "Applying new system configuration" fi loadSystemConfiguration fi } function chmodConfiguration() { $SOSSSH_CHMOD +x "$HOME/.sostools/ssh/sos-ssh.conf" &> /dev/null for file in $($SOSSSH_LS --color=never -w 1 "$HOME/.sostools/ssh/sos-ssh.conf.d"); do $SOSSSH_CHMOD +x "$HOME/.sostools/ssh/sos-ssh.conf.d/$file" &> /dev/null done if [ -d "/etc/sostools/ssh/" ] && [ "$(whoami)" == "root" ]; then $SOSSSH_CHMOD +x "/etc/sostools/ssh/sos-ssh.conf" &> /dev/null for file in $($SOSSSH_LS --color=never -w 1 "/etc/sostools/ssh/sos-ssh.conf.d"); do $SOSSSH_CHMOD +x "/etc/sostools/ssh/sos-ssh.conf.d/$file" &> /dev/null done fi } loadDefaultConfiguration chmodConfiguration loadSystemConfiguration loadUserConfiguration doSystemSetup doUserSetup setConstant function argumentMissing() { echo "ERROR: Missing arguments." varCleanup exit 6 } function collectFiles() { echo "$(pwd)" &> $SOSSSH_TMP/SOSSSH_collectfiles_pwd cd "$1" export "SOSSSH_EXITSTRING=" for file in $(ls --color=never -w 1 "$1"); do if [ "$SOSSSH_EXITSTRING" == "" ]; then export "SOSSSH_EXITSTRING=$(ls --color=never -w 1 $(pwd)/$file)" else export "SOSSSH_EXITSTRING= $(ls --color=never -w 1 $(pwd)/$file)" fi done cd "$(cat ${SOSSSH_TMP}/SOSSSH_collectfiles_pwd)" rm -rf "${SOSSSH_TMP}/SOSSSH_collectfiles_pwd" return } function doSSHSetup() { echo "SSHsetup" if [ "$SOSSSH_HOST" == "" ]; then echo -n "Hostname: " else echo -n "Hostname [$SOSSSH_HOST]: " fi read -r SOSSSH_ENTRY_HOST if [ "$SOSSSH_PORT" == "" ]; then echo -n "Port: " else echo -n "Port [$SOSSSH_PORT]: " fi read -r SOSSSH_ENTRY_PORT if [ "$SOSSSH_USERNAME" == "" ]; then echo -n "Username: " else echo -n "Username [$SOSSSH_USERNAME]: " fi read -r SOSSSH_ENTRY_USERNAME if [ "$SOSSSH_PASSWD" == "" ]; then echo -n "Password: " else echo -n "Password []: " fi read -r -s SOSSSH_ENTRY_PASSWD if [ "$SOSSSH_ENTRY_HOST" == "" ]; then export "SOSSSH_ENTRY_HOST=$SOSSSH_HOST" fi if [ "$SOSSSH_ENTRY_PORT" == "" ]; then export "SOSSSH_ENTRY_PORT=$SOSSSH_PORT" fi if [ "$SOSSSH_ENTRY_USERNAME" == "" ]; then export "SOSSSH_ENTRY_USERNAME=$SOSSSH_USERNAME" fi if [ "$SOSSSH_ENTRY_PASSWD" == "" ]; then export "SOSSSH_ENTRY_PASSWD=$SOSSSH_PASSWD" fi echo "" echo "Host: $SOSSSH_ENTRY_HOST" echo "Port: $SOSSSH_ENTRY_PORT" echo "Username: $SOSSSH_ENTRY_USERNAME" if [ "$SOSSSH_ENTRY_PASSWD" == "" ]; then echo "Password:" else echo "Password: " fi echo -n "Is this information correct [y/N]? " read -r SOSSSH_ENTRY_CONFIRMATION if [ "$SOSSSH_ENTRY_CONFIRMATION" == "y" ] || [ "$SOSSSH_ENTRY_CONFIRMATION" == "Y" ]; then echo -e "# This file has been generated by sos-ssh by using setup\nSOSSSH_HOST=$SOSSSH_ENTRY_HOST\nSOSSSH_PORT=$SOSSSH_ENTRY_PORT\nSOSSSH_USERNAME=$SOSSSH_ENTRY_USERNAME\nSOSSSH_PASSWD=$SOSSSH_ENTRY_PASSWD" &> "$HOME/.sostools/ssh/sos-ssh.conf.d/sshsetup.conf" export "SOSSSH_ENTRY_PASSWD=" else export "SOSSSH_ENTRY_PASSWD=" echo "Cancelled." fi } if [ ! "$SOSSSH_TITLE_SUPPRESS" == "true" ]; then if [ ! "$SOSSSH_TITLE_TEXT" == "true" ]; then # _ # ___ ___ ___ ___ ___| |__ #/ __|/ _ \/ __|_____/ __/ __| '_ \ #\__ \ (_) \__ \_____\__ \__ \ | | | #|___/\___/|___/ |___/___/_| |_| echo " _" echo " ___ ___ ___ ___ ___| |__" echo "/ __|/ _ \/ __|_____/ __/ __| '_ \\" echo "\__ \ (_) \__ \_____\__ \__ \ | | |" echo "|___/\___/|___/ |___/___/_| |_|" echo "" else echo -e "sos-ssh\n" fi fi if [ "$1" == "" ]; then echo "Use \"sos-ssh help\" for all commands." echo "If you want more information, use \"sos-ssh helpextend\"." varCleanup exit 1 elif [ "$1" == "help" ]; then echo " [optional]" echo "sos-ssh connect" echo " editconf " echo " help" echo " helpextend" echo " selfupdate" echo " setup" echo " version" varCleanup exit 0 elif [ "$1" == "helpextend" ]; then echo " [optional]" echo "command | args | description" echo "connect | | connect to the server" echo "editconf | | edit the configuration" echo "help | | lists all commands" echo "helpextend | | lists all commands with extended information" echo "selfupdate | | update sos-ssh" echo "setup | | restart sos-ssh setup" echo "version | | returns version string" varCleanup elif [ "$1" == "connect" ]; then if [ "$SOSSSH_HOST" == "" ] || [ "$SOSSSH_PORT" == "" ] || [ "$SOSSSH_USERNAME" == "" ] || [ "$SOSSSH_PASSWD" == "" ]; then echo "ERROR: Credentials are missing. Please run sos-ssh setup." varCleanup exit "154" fi ping -c 1 "$SOSSSH_HOST" &> /dev/null if [ ! "$?" == "0" ]; then echo "ERROR: You have no connection or \"$SOSSSH_HOST\" is not online." varCleanup exit "153" fi $SOSSSH_SSHPASS "-p" "$SOSSSH_PASSWD" $SOSSSH_SSH "$SOSSSH_USERNAME@$SOSSSH_HOST" varCleanup elif [ "$1" == "editconf" ]; then if [ "$2" == "" ]; then argumentMissing fi if [ "$2" == "true" ]; then if [ "$(whoami)" == "root" ]; then collectFiles "/etc/sostools/ssh/sos-ssh.conf.d/" echo "Opening system configuration files in $SOSSSH_EDITOR" $SOSSSH_EDITOR "/etc/sostools/ssh/sos-ssh.conf" $SOSSSH_EXITSTRING varCleanup else echo "ERROR: You aren't root." varCleanup exit "2" fi elif [ "$2" == "false" ]; then collectFiles "$HOME/.sostools/ssh/sos-ssh.conf.d/" echo "Opening user configuration files in $SOSSSH_EDITOR" $SOSSSH_EDITOR "$HOME/.sostools/ssh/sos-ssh.conf" $SOSSSH_EXITSTRING varCleanup else echo "ERROR: Invalid boolean." varCleanup exit "214" fi elif [ "$1" == "selfupdate" ]; then varCleanup echo -e "echo Updating sos-ssh to \"$0\";$SOSSSH_CURL -sSLqq \"$SOSSSH_UPDATEURL\" &> $0;kill -9 $$" &> $SOSSSH_TMP/sos-ssh-updater.sh chmod +x $SOSSSH_TMP/sos-ssh-updater.sh $SOSSSH_TMP/sos-ssh-updater.sh elif [ "$1" == "setup" ]; then doSSHSetup varCleanup elif [ "$1" == "version" ]; then echo "sos-ssh $SOSSSH_VERSION" echo "config $SOSSSH_CONFIGVERSION" varCleanup else argumentMissing varCleanup fi