# sos!docs Here you can find the StarOpenSource documentation. [Click here to visit the built documentation.](https://docs.staropensource.de) # Commands We use [make](https://www.gnu.org/software/make/). ## Installing dependencies ```plain $ make install-deps ``` ## Development web server This will start [a development server](http://localhost:3000) that supports hot reloading. ```plain $ make test ``` ## Building the documentation This will output the built documentation to `out/`. Simply point a web server to it and you're done. ```plain $ make build ``` ## Cleaning the directory This will remove the `out/` directory containing the built website aswell as Docusaurus files. ```plain $ make clean ``` ### More cleaning This will remove the `node_modules/` and `pnpm-lock.yaml` directory aswell. ```plain $ make clean-extra ```