import {themes as prismThemes} from "prism-react-renderer"; import type {Config} from "@docusaurus/types"; import type * as Preset from "@docusaurus/preset-classic"; const config: Config = { title: "sos!docs", url: "", baseUrl: "/", favicon: "", trailingSlash: true, i18n: { defaultLocale: "en", locales: [ "en" ], }, noIndex: false, onBrokenLinks: "throw", onBrokenAnchors: "throw", onBrokenMarkdownLinks: "throw", onDuplicateRoutes: "warn", /* onBrokenLinks: "ignore", onBrokenAnchors: "ignore", onBrokenMarkdownLinks: "ignore", onDuplicateRoutes: "ignore", */ tagline: "A modular, extensible and easy to use Java game and application engine.", themeConfig: { docs: { sidebar: { hideable: true, autoCollapseCategories: true, }, }, navbar: { title: "sos!docs", logo: { alt: "StarOpenSource Logo", src: "", href: '/welcome', }, items: [ { position: "right", href: "", label: "Source code", }, ], }, footer: { style: "dark", copyright: `Copyright (c) ${new Date().getFullYear()} The StarOpenSource Project & Contributors
Licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License version 3
Documentation generated with Docusaurus`, }, prism: { theme: prismThemes.github, darkTheme: prismThemes.dracula, }, } satisfies Preset.ThemeConfig, presets: [ [ "classic", { debug: false, docs: { path: "docs", editUrl: "", editLocalizedFiles: false, editCurrentVersion: true, routeBasePath: "", tagsBasePath: 'tags', sidebarPath: "./sidebars.ts", sidebarCollapsible: true, sidebarCollapsed: true, showLastUpdateAuthor: true, showLastUpdateTime: true, breadcrumbs: true, includeCurrentVersion: true, }, sitemap: { changefreq: "monthly", priority: 0.5, filename: "sitemap.xml", }, theme: { customCss: "./src/css/custom.css", }, } satisfies Preset.Options, ], ], plugins: [ [ "@docusaurus/plugin-client-redirects", { fromExtensions: ["html", "htm", "php"], redirects: [ { from: ["/", "/index"], to: "/welcome", }, ], }, ], ], markdown: { format: "detect", mermaid: false, }, staticDirectories: ["static"], titleDelimiter: "ยป", baseUrlIssueBanner: true, }; export default config;