--- title: "sos!web" --- # Hi! We are **the StarOpenSource Project**! We develop **ethical** and **open source** applications, tools and games *without* **ads, tracking or analytics**. # // FASTMENU [[ABOUT US]](#who-are-you-exactly) [[PROJECTS]](#what-are-you-doing) [[LINKS]](#links) # Who are you *exactly*? We are a organization focused on developing **free** and **open source** *(FOSS)* software under the **GNU General Public License 3 *(only)***. We are a one-person-team at the moment *(unfortunately)*. # What are you doing? We are doing these things at the moment: - Hosting services such as [StarOpenGit](https://git.staropensource.de) or [StarOpenSource Social)(https://net.staropensource.de) - Developing the [CORE Framework](https://core.staropensource.de) - Endorsing Linux and FOSS software in general # Links - [StarOpenGit](https://git.staropensource.de) - [StarOpenSource Social](https://net.staropensource.de) - [CORE Framework](https://core.staropensource.de) - [Status page](https://status.staropensource.de) --- - [@staropensource@net.staropensource.de *(Mastodon/Fediverse)*](https://net.staropensource.de/@staropensource)