This commit adds a few shutdown methods, the EngineConfiguration class (pretty much the LoggingConfiguration class with properties renamed and one added), a new adapter, support for multiple adapters per channel and better communication between the logging system and the engine.
The FileAccess class is an almost 1:1 rewrite of the old FileAccess class from v1-alpha9, just with some method names changed, a set of "verify" methods, no setPosixPermissions method anymore and wrapper exceptions around Java exceptions to avoid direct contact with Java stuff for public API. See the NonKotlinContact annotation for more information.
The old FileAccess class (for reference): 1e978e3146/base/src/main/java/de/staropensource/engine/base/utility/
This commit changes the following things inside the logging infrastructure:
- passing issuerClass, issuerOrigin and issuerMetadata is no longer required, relevant information is now being pulled from the stack
- split huge classes into multiple smaller ones
- separated "normal" and asynchronous logging classes
- simplified logging
- improved performance
- more detailed crash reporting
- regex-based filtering
- internal placeholders have been replaced with more lightweight method calls
- much more changes
Due to some Java limitation we are required to throw a RuntimeException with our original exception contained within and afterwards unwrap it so we can throw any exception we like. That is dumb.