This commit changes the following things inside the logging infrastructure:
- passing issuerClass, issuerOrigin and issuerMetadata is no longer required, relevant information is now being pulled from the stack
- split huge classes into multiple smaller ones
- separated "normal" and asynchronous logging classes
- simplified logging
- improved performance
- more detailed crash reporting
- regex-based filtering
- internal placeholders have been replaced with more lightweight method calls
- much more changes
This commit prevents toggling attributes when including them multiple times in a string and instead simply ignores them when specified multiple times without <reset>ting them.
This commit introduces a "Builder" nested class, adds a way to specify which other vector a vector provides and includes a few smaller changes to DependencyVectors.
This commit does not work at the moment as I'm in the process of rewriting the DependencyResolver to work correctly, as it should.
tl;dr I changed many Javadoc comments, some code, removed dumb or unused stuff and revamped the entire logging infrastructure by yeeting out LogIssuer and CodePart and much, much more