Just had to install macOS in a VM using QuickEmu (many thanks to them!) to add support for this. After installing it, creating an Apple account just to download Xcode, install OpenJDK using Homebrew and then using JShell and some searching I can confidently say that I find it hilarious that this piece of garbage exists. No keyboard shortcuts work (likely because of that Command key thingy), everything is clunky as hell and nothing really makes sense. How can anybody use this piece of overpriced shit? Anyway, for these four rich kiddies which want to run their favourite game on their parent's Macbook can do that now.
In case you need to install shitOS too: https://github.com/quickemu-project/quickemu/wiki/03-Create-macOS-virtual-machines
They make it incredibly easy to do, so big shoutouts to them!
This commit adds a few shutdown methods, the EngineConfiguration class (pretty much the LoggingConfiguration class with properties renamed and one added), a new adapter, support for multiple adapters per channel and better communication between the logging system and the engine.
The FileAccess class is an almost 1:1 rewrite of the old FileAccess class from v1-alpha9, just with some method names changed, a set of "verify" methods, no setPosixPermissions method anymore and wrapper exceptions around Java exceptions to avoid direct contact with Java stuff for public API. See the NonKotlinContact annotation for more information.
The old FileAccess class (for reference): 1e978e3146/base/src/main/java/de/staropensource/engine/base/utility/FileAccess.java
While running the engine on multiple of Kotlin's supported platforms would
be cool, the standard library is just way too limited for our usecase. The
JVM simply has the best support and is the most suited option.
This would reap additional benefits:
- Java, Scala and Groovy interoperability
- existing Java libraries and tooling can be (re)used
- compilation using native-image may be possible under the new rewrite (which would replace the need for Kotlin/Native)