-`_copyfinalconfig`: Copies the final kernel configuration into the repository root as `kconfig-new` before compilation starts
-`_localmodcfg`: Only compiles modules found in modprobed-db's database (which decreases compilation time and kernel size)
-`_use_llvm_lto`: Compiles the kernel with LLVM instead of GCC. Should work, if not open an issue
-`_subarch`: Specifies the sub architecture to compile for (see the [PKGBUILD file](https://git.staropensource.de/JeremyStarTM/aur-linux-clear/src/branch/develop/PKGBUILD) for a list of all subarches). Default is `41` (Generic x86-64), which is compatible with all amd64 processors. Must be a number
-`_debug`: Force enables debug options when set to `y`, force disables debug options when set to `n` or uses the config defaults when unset
All of these variables just need to be set for them to apply, except for `_subarch` and `_debug`. See their descriptions for more information.
## GPG errors
If makepkg complains about invalid PGP keys, try running this command:
Please only submit issues if they aren't bug reports about the package or help requests.
Please keep them on the AUR only. This prevents unnecessary signups.
## License
This package does not yet have a license as the original repository (before [me](https://git.staropensource.de/JeremyStarTM) becoming it's maintainer) did not have one yet.
I have contacted [metak](https://aur.archlinux.org/account/metak) (the previous maintainer) to negotiate a license.
## Build tool
*If you want a dead simple way to compile this package, you can [try out my build tool](https://git.staropensource.de/JeremyStarTM/jstm-optimized). It includes a few no nonsense changes to the kernel configuration and allows you to configure the PKGBUILD in a simple manner to decrease build time. If you don't want that, using `makepkg` as-is works fine too.*