#!/usr/sbin/env bash ########################## ## osu!boot ## ## Made by JeremyStarTM ## ## Licensed under the ## ## GNU GPL v3 ## ########################## export "OSUBOOT_NETCONNECT=false" function prepare(){ echo "Preparing osu!boot" if [ -d "/tmp/osuboot/" ]; then rm -rf "/tmp/osuboot/" &> /tmp/osuboot_rm.log fi mkdir "/tmp/osuboot" -p if [ -f "/tmp/osuboot_rm.log" ]; then mv "/tmp/osuboot_rm.log" "/tmp/osuboot/rm.log" fi sleep 1s } function checkInternet() { ping -c 1 &> /dev/null if [ ! "$?" == "0" ]; then echo "Checking internet connectivity: No internet (IPv4)" return fi ping one.one.one.one -c 1 &> /dev/null if [ ! "$?" == "0" ]; then echo "Checking internet connectivity: No internet (DNS)" return fi echo "Checking internet connectivity" export "OSUBOOT_NETCONNECT=true" } function downloadGame(){ if [ "$OSUBOOT_NETCONNECT" == "false" ]; then echo "Downloading osu!lazer: Skipping, no internet available" return fi echo "Downloading osu!lazer" if [ ! -f "$HOME/.cache/osu.AppImage" ] || [[ $(find "$HOME/.cache/osu.AppImage" -mtime +1 -print) ]]; then wget "https://github.com/ppy/osu/releases/latest/download/osu.AppImage" -O "$HOME/.cache/osu.AppImage" &> /tmp/osuboot/download.log else echo "Downloading osu!lazer: Skipping, download is not yet a day old" fi chmod +x "$HOME/.cache/osu.AppImage" } function runGame(){ if [ ! -f "$HOME/.cache/osu.AppImage" ]; then echo "Launching osu!lazer: osu!lazer is missing and can't be launched." return fi echo "Launching osu!lazer" env "SDL_VIDEODRIVER=wayland" "$HOME"/.cache/osu.AppImage &> /tmp/osuboot/osu.proclog } function notice(){ if [ "$1" == "startup" ]; then echo " _ _ _ " echo " ___ ___ _ _| | |__ ___ ___ | |_ " echo " / _ \/ __| | | | | '_ \ / _ \ / _ \| __|" echo "| (_) \__ \ |_| |_| |_) | (_) | (_) | |_ " echo " \___/|___/\__,_(_)_.__/ \___/ \___/ \__|" echo "" elif [ "$1" == "exit" ]; then echo "" echo "osu!boot is being developed by the StarOpenSource Project, is designed" echo "to be used with osu!launcher and is maintained by JeremyStarTM." else echo "Invalid notice." return fi } function run() { notice "startup" prepare checkInternet downloadGame runGame notice "exit" } run