# JeremyStarTM's bash configuration This bash configuration was made for use in [punktdateien](https://git.staropensource.de/JeremyStarTM/punktdateien) and [syspunktdateien](https://git.staropensource.de/JeremyStarTM/syspunktdateien.git). You can use it standalone though. ## Required software This list contains programs that are directly called by some script/alias/etc.. This list however does NOT contains all programs referenced in environment variables (there are a few of them, look into variables.sh). - bash ofc - moar - eza - icons-in-terminal (system-wide) - nvm (node version manager) - SDKMAN! - starship - cpupower - godot - fortune - cowsay - fireplace - osu!boot - many extraction tools (7z, bzip, etc.), see function.sh#extract(). ## Installation ### User-wide ```bash git clone https://git.staropensource.de/JeremyStarTM/punktdateien-bashrc.git ${HOME}/.bashrc.d echo "source \${HOME}/.bashrc.d/startup.sh" >> ${HOME}/.bashrc ``` ... now restart your shell. ### System-wide ```bash git clone https://git.staropensource.de/JeremyStarTM/punktdateien-bashrc.git /etc/bashrc.d echo -e "export BASHRCD_SYSTEM=true\nsource /etc/bashrc.d/startup.sh" >> /etc/bash.bashrc ``` ... now restart your shell. ## Uninstallation Simply remove `${HOME}/.bashrc.d` or `/etc/bashrc.d` (depending on your installation method) and the `source .../startup.sh` line (+ `export BASHRCD_SYSTEM=true` for system-wide installs).