#!/bin/bash # shellcheck disable=SC2034 # configuration for jeremystartm's bashrc # DO NOT CHANGE THIS JSTMBASH_VERSION=1 # DO NOT CHANGE THIS # GLOBAL ## FLOW_CONTROL ### Type: bool ### Default value: false ### Enables or disables flow control. ### https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flow_control_(data) JSTMBASH_GLOBAL_FLOW_CONTROL=false ## PROMPT ### Type: string ### Default value: "\[\033[38;5;33m\][\[$(tput sgr0)\]\[\033[38;5;38m\]\u\[$(tput sgr0)\]\[\033[38;5;33m\]@\[$(tput sgr0)\]\[\033[38;5;38m\]\H\[$(tput sgr0)\]\[\033[38;5;33m\]:\[$(tput sgr0)\]\[\033[38;5;38m\]\W\[$(tput sgr0)\] \[$(tput sgr0)\]\[\033[38;5;214m\]\$?\[$(tput sgr0)\]\[\033[38;5;33m\]]\\$\[$(tput sgr0)\] " ### Your $PS1, better known as prompt. ### Nice generator: https://ezprompt.net JSTMBASH_GLOBAL_PROMPT="\[\033[38;5;33m\][\[$(tput sgr0)\]\[\033[38;5;38m\]\u\[$(tput sgr0)\]\[\033[38;5;33m\]@\[$(tput sgr0)\]\[\033[38;5;38m\]\H\[$(tput sgr0)\]\[\033[38;5;33m\]:\[$(tput sgr0)\]\[\033[38;5;38m\]\W\[$(tput sgr0)\] \[$(tput sgr0)\]\[\033[38;5;214m\]\$?\[$(tput sgr0)\]\[\033[38;5;33m\]]\\$\[$(tput sgr0)\] " ## PROMPT_COMMAND ### Type: string ### Default value: "" ### Place commands you want to invoke before ### displaying your PS1, useful for multiline ### prompts. Better known as $PROMPT_COMMAND JSTMBASH_GLOBAL_PROMPT_COMMAND="history -a" ## PROMPT_INCOMPLETE ### Type: bool ### Default value: true ### Replaces the $PS2 aka. "the incomplete command prompt" with something fancy. JSTMBASH_GLOBAL_PROMPT_INCOMPLETE=true ## EDITOR ### Type: string ### Default value: nano ### Defines the $EDITOR variable JSTMBASH_GLOBAL_EDITOR="nano" ## THREADS ### Type: integer ### Default value: "$(nproc)" ### The default number of threads JSTMBASH_GLOBAL_THREADS="$(nproc)" # WARNINGS ## NO_TRUECOLOR ### Type: bool ### Default value: true ### Warns if the terminal (emulator) does not have truecolor support. ### Disable if your terminal emulator DOES support 16 million colors. JSTMBASH_WARNINGS_NO_TRUECOLOR=false ## EXA_UNMAINTAINED ### Type: bool ### Default value: true ### Warns about exa still being installed and recommends eza instead. ### Disable if you for some reason still require exa. JSTMBASH_WARNINGS_EXA_UNMAINTAINED=true # PATH ## ENFORCE_CLEAN ### Type: bool ### Default value: true ### Overrides the PATH variable and includes ### entries for flatpak, cargo, etc.. JSTMBASH_PATH_ENFORCE_CLEAN=true ## APPENDS ### Type: string ### Default value: "" ### Appends directories to the PATH variable. ### Add them like this: "/path/to/bin:/path/to/goodies:/path/to/shit" JSTMBASH_PATH_APPENDS="/opt/cmds" # GOODIES ## EXTRACT ### Type: bool ### Default value: true ### Type "extract /path/to/archive" and it will autodetect ### the required extraction program. JSTMBASH_GOODIES_EXTRACT=true # ALIASES ## PKGMGR_REPLACE ### Type: bool ### Default value: false ### Set to true if you want to replace your package ### manager with another one/an frontend for it. JSTMBASH_ALIASES_PKGMGR_REPLACE=true ## PKGMGR_REPLACE_FROM ### Type: string ### Default value: "" ### The package manager command you want to replace. JSTMBASH_ALIASES_PKGMGR_REPLACE_FROM="pacman" ## PKGMGR_REPLACE_TO ### Type: string ### Default value: "" ### The package manager command you want to use instead. JSTMBASH_ALIASES_PKGMGR_REPLACE_TO="paru" ## USE_EZA ### Type: bool ### Default value: true ### Replaces ls and dir with eza JSTMBASH_ALIASES_USE_EZA=true ## USE_BAT ### Type: bool ### Default value: true ### Replaces cat with bat JSTMBASH_ALIASES_USE_BAT=false ## USE_MOAR ### Type: bool ### Default value: true ### Replaces less and more with moar JSTMBASH_ALIASES_USE_MOAR=true # FANCIER ## EZA ### Type: bool ### Default value: true ### Makes eza fancier. JSTMBASH_FANCIER_EZA=true ## EZA_LONG ### Type: bool ### Default value: false ### Enables the -l flag JSTMBASH_FANCIER_EZA_LONG=true ## EZA_DIRECTORIES_BEFORE_FILES ### Type: bool ### Default value: true ### Lists directories before files ### Only applies to long mode JSTMBASH_FANCIER_EZA_DIRECTORIES_BEFORE_FILES=true ## EZA_SIZE1000 ### Type: bool ### Default value: false ### Displays in KB, MB, GB if true and in KiB, MiB, GiB if false ### Only applies to long mode JSTMBASH_FANCIER_EZA_SIZE1000=false ## EZA_DISPLAYMOUNTS ### Type: bool ### Default value: false ### Displays mountpoint information ### Only applies to long mode JSTMBASH_FANCIER_EZA_DISPLAY_MOUNTS=true ## EZA_OCTAL_PERMISSIONS ### Type: bool ### Default value: false ### Displays permissions with numbers ### Example: ".rwxr--r--" -> "0744" ### Only applies to long mode JSTMBASH_FANCIER_EZA_OCTAL_PERMISSIONS=false ## EZA_GITINFO ### Type: bool ### Default value: true ### Displays the git status for each file and directory ### Only applies to long mode JSTMBASH_FANCIER_EZA_GITINFO=false ## BAT ### Type: bool ### Default value: true ### Makes bat fancier. JSTMBASH_FANCIER_BAT=true ## BAT_USE_PAGER ### Type: bool ### Default value: true ### Should bat use a pager? JSTM_FANCIER_BAT_USE_PAGER=false ## MOAR ### Type: bool ### Default value: true ### Makes moar fancier. JSTMBASH_FANCIER_MOAR=true ## MOAR_STYLE ### Type: string ### Default value: "dracula" ### What theme/style moar should use. JSTMBASH_FANCIER_MOAR_STYLE="dracula" ## YTFZF ### Type: bool ### Default value: true ### Makes ytfzf fancier. JSTMBASH_FANCIER_YTFZF=true ## YTFZF_THUMBVIEWER ### Type: string ### Default value: "catimg" ### Which thumbnail viewer program ytfzf should use. ### Available are: chafa, catimg, imv, mpv, swayimg and swayimg-hyprland JSTMBASH_FANCIER_YTFZF_THUMBVIEWER="swayimg-hyprland" ## YTFZF_ALLOW_NSFW ### Type: bool ### Default value: false ### If ytfzf should 18+ content (only works for odysee/lbry). ### We will bonk you if this is true! JSTMBASH_FANCIER_YTFZF_NSFW=false ## YTFZF_REQUIRE_SUBTITLES ### Type: bool ### Default value: false ### Only show videos with subtitles. JSTMBASH_FANCIER_YTFZF_SUBTITLES=false # EOF <- Yes, you've reached the end.