import QtQuick 2.15 /** * Provides a flip-panel effect on a given item * It is assumed we have the same geometry of that item and anchored on top */ // in any sane world we would hide the flipEffect when we're not animating // however QtQuick tries to be clever and flushes with Effectsource when there's no monitor // and I relied on that.. // doesn't seem too costly, so meh // it does look hilarious if you resize though... Item { id: root property Item sourceItem property int duration: 1000 property bool supress: true function flip() { // lazy hack to avoid the first flip that happens on initial bind if (supress) { supress = false; return; } flipAnim.start() } ShaderEffectSource { id: oldTop sourceItem: root.sourceItem sourceRect: Qt.rect(0, 0, root.sourceItem.width, root.sourceItem.height/2) live: false } ShaderEffectSource { id: oldBottom sourceItem: root.sourceItem sourceRect: Qt.rect(0, root.sourceItem.height/2, root.sourceItem.width, root.sourceItem.height/2) live: false } ShaderEffectSource { id: newBottom sourceItem: root.sourceItem sourceRect: Qt.rect(0, root.sourceItem.height/2, root.sourceItem.width, root.sourceItem.height/2) live: false textureMirroring: ShaderEffectSource.NoMirroring } ShaderEffect { id: effect anchors.bottom: root.verticalCenter anchors.left: root.left anchors.right: root.right property variant source: oldTop z: 10 transform: Rotation { id: upperRotation origin.x: effect.width/2 origin.y: effect.height axis.x: 1 axis.y: 0 axis.z: 0 angle: 90 } } ShaderEffect { id: effect2 anchors.bottom: root.verticalCenter anchors.left: root.left anchors.right: root.right property variant source: newBottom z: 10 transform: Rotation { id: lowerRotation origin.x: effect.width/2 origin.y: effect.height axis.x: 1 axis.y: 0 axis.z: 0 angle: 90 } } ShaderEffect { property variant source: oldBottom root.verticalCenter anchors.bottom: root.bottom anchors.left: root.left anchors.right: root.right z:1 } SequentialAnimation { id: flipAnim NumberAnimation { target: upperRotation property: "angle" from: 0 to: -90 duration: root.duration / 2 } ScriptAction { script: { newBottom.scheduleUpdate() } } NumberAnimation { target: lowerRotation property: "angle" from: -90 to: -180 duration: root.duration / 2 } ScriptAction { script: { oldTop.scheduleUpdate(); oldBottom.scheduleUpdate(); } } } // horizontal line to make it look like a flippy thing Rectangle { color: "#9b0000" height: 2 anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter anchors.left: parent.left anchors.right: parent.right z: 20 } }