import QtQuick 2.15 import QtQuick.Controls 2.3 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15 import org.kde.plasma.components 2.0 as PlasmaComponents import org.kde.plasma.core 2.0 as PlasmaCore import "songLibrary.js" as SongLibrary Item { id: mpdRoot signal gotPlaylist(var plData) signal onSaveQueueAsPlaylist(bool success) signal playedPlaylist(string title) property bool mpcAvailable: false property bool mpcConnectionAvailable: false property int mpdVolume: 0 property string scriptRoot property bool mpdPlaying: false property var library property bool libraryRequested: false property var mpdInfo: ({}) property var mpdOptions: ({}) property var mpdPlaylists: ({}) property var mpdQueue: [] readonly property string _songInfoQuery: '{[\x1Fartist\x1F:\x1F%artist%\x1F,][\x1Falbumartist\x1F:\x1F%albumartist%\x1F,][\x1Falbum\x1F:\x1F%album%\x1F,][\x1Ftracknumber\x1F:\x1F%track%\x1F,]\x1Ftitle\x1F:\x1F%title%\x1F,[\x1Fdate\x1F:\x1F%date%\x1F,]\x1Ftime\x1F:\x1F%time%\x1F,\x1Ffile\x1F:\x1F%file%\x1F,\x1Fposition\x1F:\x1F%position%\x1F},' readonly property var mpdCmds: { "cSongInfo": "-f '%1'", "connectionCheck": "mpc --host=%1 status", "lGet": "listall -f '%1'", "mpcCheck": "which mpc", "mpcIdleLoop": "idle player mixer playlist stored_playlist options", "optGet": "status '{\x1Fconsume\x1F:\x1F%consume%\x1F,\x1Frandom\x1F:\x1F%random%\x1F,\x1Frepeat\x1F:\x1F%repeat%\x1F}'", "optSet": "%1 %2", "plLoad": "load %1", "plGet": "playlist -f '%1' %2", "plRm": "rm -- %1", "plSave": "save -- %1", "plsGet": "lsplaylist", "qAdd": "add %1", "qClear": "clear", "qDel": "del %1", "qGet": "playlist -f '%1'", "qInsert": "insert %1", "qMove": "move %1 %2", "qNext": "next", "qPlay": "play %1", "qQueued": "queued -f '%1'", "qToggle": "toggle", "volumeGet": "volume", "volumeSet": "volume %1" } /** * Starts the bootstrap process of a fresh connection to the mpd instance */ function connect() { if (mpcAvailable !== true) { mpdRoot.checkMpcAvailable() return } disconnect() checkMpcConnectionAvailable() } /** * Stops the current connection to the mpd instance */ function disconnect() { executable.disconnect() mpdRoot.mpcConnectionAvailable = false mpdRootIdleLoopTimer.stop() } /** * Check if mpc binary available on the host system */ function checkMpcAvailable() { let callback = function (exitCode) { if (exitCode !== 0) { return } mpdRoot.mpcAvailable = true mpdRoot.connect() } executable.exec(mpdCmds.mpcCheck, callback) } /** * Checks if mpc is able to connect to mpd */ function checkMpcConnectionAvailable() { if (mpcAvailable !== true) { return } let callback = function (exitCode) { if (exitCode !== 0) { mpdRootNetworkTimeout.start() return } mpdRootNetworkTimeout.interval = mpdRootNetworkTimeout.startInterval mpdRootIdleLoopTimer.start() mpcConnectionAvailable = true update() if (libraryRequested) { getLibrary() } } // Bypass the build-in mpc faclities, they are gatekept by the result of this. executable.exec(mpdCmds.connectionCheck.arg(cfgMpdHost), callback) } function forceReloadEverything() { if (library) { mpdRoot.libraryRequested = true } connect() } /** * Inits update of all mpd data required by our plasmoid */ // @TODO this should be disentangled and properly attached/requested by our now exiting // different views function update() { mpdRoot.getVolume() mpdRoot.getQueue() // @SOMEDAY make code more robust // Leave getInfo() after getQueue(), since it evaluates the queue content mpdRoot.getInfo() mpdRoot.getPlaylists() mpdRoot.getOptions() } /** * Download whole song library */ function getLibrary() { if (!mpcConnectionAvailable) { libraryRequested = true } executable.execMpc(mpdCmds.lGet.arg(_songInfoQuery), function (exitCode, stdout) { if (exitCode !== 0) { return } library = new SongLibrary.SongLibrary(songInfoQueryResponseToJson(stdout)) }) } /** * Saves queue as playlist * * @param {sting} title playlist title in MPD */ function saveQueueAsPlaylist(title) { executable.execMpc(mpdCmds.plSave.arg(bEsc(title)), function (exitCode) { if (exitCode !== 0) { return } onSaveQueueAsPlaylist(!exitCode) }) } /** * Deletes a playlist * * @param {sting} title playlist title in MPD */ function removePlaylist(title) { executable.execMpc(mpdCmds.plRm.arg(bEsc(title))) } /** * Moves song in queue * * @param {int} from Position of the song to move (current) * @param {int} to Positiong to move the song to (target) */ function moveInQueue(from, to) { executable.execMpc(mpdCmds.qMove.arg(from).arg(to)) } function getVolume() { executable.execMpc(mpdCmds.volumeGet, function (exitCode, stdout) { if (exitCode !== 0) { return } let parsed = stdout.match(/volume:\W*(\d*)/) if (!parsed) { throw new Error("Invalid mpc response: No volume information in " + stdout) } mpdRoot.mpdVolume = parseInt(parsed[1]) }) } /** * Set volume * * @param {string} Absolute or +/- */ function setVolume(value) { executable.execMpc(mpdCmds.volumeSet.arg(value)) } /** * Get info of currently playing song * * When mpd is stopped it evalutates what is going to be played next on * toggling "play". */ function getInfo() { let cmd = mpdCmds.cSongInfo.arg(_songInfoQuery) executable.execMpc(cmd, function (exitCode, stdout) { if (exitCode !== 0) { return } let info = stdout.split("\n") // Normal playback if (info.length > 2) { mpdInfo = songInfoQueryResponseToJson(info.shift())[0] mpdPlaying = info.shift().includes('[playing]') return } // Qeueue is paused or in stopped state mpdPlaying = false // Queue is empty, nothing will be played on a toggle if (mpdState.mpdQueue.length === 0) { return } // Only one item on the queue, it must be played on a toggle if (mpdState.mpdQueue.length === 1) { mpdInfo = mpdQueue[0] return } executable.execMpc(mpdCmds.qQueued.arg(_songInfoQuery), function (exitCode, stdout) { if (exitCode !== 0) { return } if (stdout === "") { // More than one item in Queue but nothing queued. a) Queue is // stopped and was never started before (1st item will be played) // or b) we are at the last item. // Since we only create case (a) we ignore (b) for our purposes. mpdInfo = mpdQueue[0] return } // Queue was started before, we just can't get the item directly, // so we cheat by asking for the next one. let queued = songInfoQueryResponseToJson(stdout)[0] mpdInfo = mpdQueue[queued.position - 2] }) }) } function getQueue() { let cmd = mpdCmds.qGet.arg(_songInfoQuery) executable.execMpc(cmd, function (exitCode, stdout) { if (exitCode !== 0) { return } if (!stdout.length) { // Empty queue mpdQueue = [] return } let queue = songInfoQueryResponseToJson(stdout) mpdRoot.mpdQueue = queue }) } /** * Add songs to the queue * * @param {array} array of mpd file IDs * @param {string} insertion mode * - "append" at end of queue * - "insert" after currently playing track */ function addSongsToQueue(items, mode = "append") { if (!Array.isArray(items)) { throw new Error("Invalid argument: items must be an array") } let cmd switch (mode) { case "append": cmd = mpdCmds.qAdd break case "insert": cmd = mpdCmds.qInsert break default: throw new Error("Invalid argument: unknown mode") } cmd = cmd.arg( (item) { return bEsc(item) }).join(" ")) mpdCommandQueue.add(cmd) } function replaceQueue(items) { clearQueue() addSongsToQueue(items) playInQueue(1) } /** * Removes items from the queue * * @param {array} positions Positions of items to remove from the queue */ function removeFromQueue(positions) { if (!Array.isArray(positions)) { throw new Error("Invalid argument: positions must be an array") } executable.execMpc(mpdCmds.qDel.arg(positions.join(' '))) } function playNext() { executable.execMpc(mpdCmds.qNext) } function toggle() { executable.execMpc(mpdCmds.qToggle) } function clearQueue() { // @BOGUS mpd/mpc doens't execute if used to fast mpdCommandQueue.add(mpdCmds.qClear) // executable.execMpc(mpdCmds.qClear) } /** * Play specific item in queue * * @param {int} position Position in queue */ function playInQueue(position) { mpdCommandQueue.add(mpdCmds.qPlay.arg(position)) // executable.execMpc(mpdCmds.qPlay.arg(position)) } function getPlaylists() { executable.execMpc(mpdCmds.plsGet, function (exitCode, stdout) { if (exitCode !== 0) { return } let playlists = stdout.split("\n") playlists = playlists.filter(value => { return value && !value.includes('m3u') }) playlists = playlists.sort((a, b) => { let textA = a.toUpperCase() let textB = b.toUpperCase() return (textA < textB) ? -1 : (textA > textB) ? 1 : 0 }) mpdRoot.mpdPlaylists = playlists }) } function getPlaylist(playlist) { let cmd = mpdCmds.plGet.arg(_songInfoQuery).arg(bEsc(playlist)) let clb = function (exitCode, stdout) { gotPlaylist(songInfoQueryResponseToJson(stdout)) } executable.execMpc(cmd, clb) } function playPlaylist(playlist) { clearQueue() addPlaylistToQueue(playlist) playInQueue(1) playedPlaylist(playlist) } function getOptions() { executable.execMpc(mpdCmds.optGet, function (exitCode, stdout) { if (exitCode !== 0) { return } mpdRoot.mpdOptions = songInfoQueryResponseToJson(stdout)[0] }) } function toggleOption(option) { if (typeof option !== 'string') { throw new Error("Invalid argument: mpd-options must be an string") } if (!['consume', 'random', 'repeat'].includes(option)) { throw new Error("Invalid argument: mpd-option " + option) } let newState = mpdRoot.mpdOptions[option] === "on" ? "off" : "on" executable.execMpc(mpdCmds.optSet.arg(option).arg(newState)) } function addPlaylistToQueue(playlist) { mpdCommandQueue.add(mpdCmds.plLoad.arg(bEsc(playlist))) // executable.execMpc(mpdCmds.plLoad.arg(bEsc(playlist))) } function getCover(title, ctitle, root, prefix) { let cmd = '' cmd += '/usr/bin/env bash' cmd += ' "' + mpdRoot.scriptRoot + '/"' cmd += ' ' + cfgMpdHost cmd += ' ' + bEsc(title) cmd += ' "' + root + '"' cmd += ' ' + prefix cmd += ' "' + ctitle.replace('/', '\\\\/') + '"' let clb = function (exitCode, stdout) { if (exitCode !== 0) { return } coverManager.markFetched(!stdout.includes("No data")) } executable.exec(cmd, clb) } function countQueue() { return Object.keys(mpdRoot.mpdQueue).length } /** * Escape special characters from strings before using as mpc arguments * * @param {string} str The string to quote * @param {bool} quote Wrap the string in double quotes * @return {string} The escaped string */ function bEsc(str, quote = true) { if (typeof(str) !== "string") { console.trace() throw new Error("Invalid argument error: expected string, got " + typeof(str)) } if (str === "") { throw new Error("Invalid argument error: got empty string") } let specialChars = ['$', '`', '"', '\\'] let escapedStr = str.split('').map(character => { if (specialChars.includes(character)) { return '\\' + character } else { return character } }).join('') if (quote) { escapedStr = "\"" + escapedStr + "\"" } return escapedStr } /** * Parses a response made in the songInfoQuery-format to JSON * * Main task is to solve " quoting issues * * @param {string} response The raw text of the mpd response * @return {array} Array of JSON objects each representing one song */ function songInfoQueryResponseToJson(response) { // [profiling] parse takes 90%+ of time return JSON.parse('[' + response.replace(/"/g, '\\"').replace(/\x1F/g, '"').replace(/,\n?$/, "") + ']') } /** * Replace mpc error messages with our own * * @param {string} msg The mpc error message */ function fmtErrorMessage(msg) { let fmtMsg = msg if (fmtMsg.includes("No route to host")) { fmtMsg = qsTr("Can't find the MPD-server. - Check the MPD-address in the widget configuration.") } else if (fmtMsg.includes("Network is unreachable")) { fmtMsg = qsTr("No network connection.") } else if (fmtMsg.includes("no mpc in")) { fmtMsg = qsTr("'mpc' binary wasn't found. - Please install mpc on your system. It should be available in your system's package manager.") } return fmtMsg } // Throttle commands so we don't miss results on the event loop because we // sending to fast. Timer { id: mpdCommandQueue property var cmdQueue: [] // The statusUpdateTimer is chained to this! interval: 200 running: true repeat: true function add(cmd) { cmdQueue.push(cmd) } onTriggered: { if (cmdQueue.length === 0) { return } let cmd = cmdQueue.shift() executable.execMpc(cmd) } } // If something is happening on the queue let's have it settle on the mpd side. Timer { id: statusUpdateTimer // If we populate the queue and send play we have to wait long enough to catch // our own cmd. interval: 2 * mpdCommandQueue.interval onTriggered: { mpdRoot.getQueue() // Mpc spams a new "playlist" event for every song added to the queue, so // maybe dozens if e.g. an album/playlist is added. Sometimes that's too // fast for us to catch the last "player" event indicated the new populate // queue started. We have to check what is playing after the queue // changes. mpdRoot.getInfo() } } // Mpc idle loop. After a mpc-event is registered and handled almost // immediately reconnect the shut down connection. Timer { id: mpdRootIdleLoopTimer interval: 10 onTriggered: { let clb = function (exitCode, stdout) { if (exitCode !== 0) { return } // Restart the idle loop mpdRootIdleLoopTimer.start() if (stdout.includes('player')) { mpdRoot.getInfo() } if (stdout.includes('mixer')) mpdRoot.getVolume() if (stdout.includes('options')) mpdRoot.getOptions() if (stdout.includes('playlist')) { statusUpdateTimer.restart() } if (stdout.includes('stored_playlist')) { mpdRoot.getPlaylists() } } executable.execMpc(mpdCmds.mpcIdleLoop, clb) } } // Handles network issues. E.g. if the network card needs a few seconds to // become available after a system resume. Or the device is moved in and out // of places with the mpd server (un)available. Timer { id: mpdRootNetworkTimeout property int startInterval: 500 interval: startInterval running: false triggeredOnStart: true onTriggered: { disconnect() // Gradually increase reconnect time until we find a minimum time // necessary for a device stationary within the mpd network (desktop). // At worst try a reconnect every minute (devices leaving the // local network like laptops). if (interval < 60000) interval = interval + 500 mpdRoot.checkMpcConnectionAvailable() } } // Watchdog for system sleep/wake cycles. If we detect a "lost timespan" we // assume the mpc idle connection is no longer valid and needs a reconnect. Timer { id: mpdRootReconnectTimer property int lastRun: / 1000 interval: 2000 running: true repeat: true onTriggered: { if ((2 * interval / 1000 + lastRun) < ( / 1000)) { mpdRoot.forceReloadEverything() } lastRun = / 1000 } } ExecMpc { id: executable } Connections { function onExited(exitCode, stdout, stderr, exitStatus, cmd) { main.appLastError = "" if (exitCode !== 0) { if (stderr.includes("No data")) { // "No data" answer from mpd is a succesfull request for us. return } main.appLastError = fmtErrorMessage(stderr) mpdRootNetworkTimeout.start() return } main.appLastError = stderr || "" } target: executable } }