import QtQuick 2.15 import QtQuick.Controls 2.3 as QQC2 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15 import org.kde.kirigami 2.20 as Kirigami import org.kde.plasma.components 2.0 as PlasmaComponents import "../../Mpdw.js" as Mpdw import "../../Components/Elements" Kirigami.ScrollablePage { id: root property int depth: 1 property string shownAlbumartist readonly property string globalShortcut: "2" visible: false globalToolBarStyle: Kirigami.ApplicationHeaderStyle.None header: QQC2.ToolBar { RowLayout { anchors.fill: parent GlobalNav { } RowLayout { Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight Layout.rightMargin: Kirigami.Units.gritUnit Kirigami.SearchField { id: searchField // Per default the text field is stuck at 200 width and cut off at // small sizes implicitWidth: root.width > 400 ? 200 : root.width / 2 placeholderText: qsTr("Search…") onTextChanged: listView.filter(text) Keys.onEscapePressed: { if (searchField.text) { searchField.text = "" } else { listView.forceActiveFocus() } } Shortcut { sequence: StandardKey.Find onActivated: { if (!searchField.visible) { appWindow.showPage(albumartistsPage) } searchField.forceActiveFocus() } } } } } } ListViewGeneric { id: listView /** * Populates list model with hits according ot search field content * * @param {string} searchtext */ function filter(searchText = "") { if (searchText) { searchText = searchText.toLowerCase() } model.clear() let hits = mpdState.library.searchAlbumartists(searchText) hits.forEach(hit => { let item = { "albumartist": hit } model.append(item) }) } model: ListModel { id: model } delegate: SwipeListItemGeneric { id: listItemPlaylist width: ListView.view ? ListView.view.width : implicitWidth contentItem: MouseArea { implicitHeight: mainLayout.implicitHeight implicitWidth: mainLayout.implicitWidth acceptedButtons: Qt.LeftButton | Qt.RightButton onClicked: function (mouse) { if (mouse.button === Qt.RightButton) { if (!artistContextMenuLoader.item) { artistContextMenuLoader.sourceComponent = contextMenuComponent } if (!artistContextMenuLoader.item.visible) { artistContextMenuLoader.item.popup() } return } shownAlbumartist = model.albumartist let properties = { "depth": root.depth + 1, "songs": mpdState.library.getSongsOfAartist(model.albumartist), "title": model.albumartist, } appWindow.pageStack.push(Qt.resolvedUrl("AlbumartistSongsPage.qml"), properties) } Loader { id: artistContextMenuLoader property var getSongs: function () { return mpdState.library.getSongsOfAartist(model.albumartist) } } RowLayout { id: mainLayout // Layout.fillWidth: true anchors.fill: parent QQC2.Label { Layout.fillHeight: true Layout.fillWidth: true text: model.albumartist wrapMode: Text.Wrap } GridLayout { columns: appWindow.narrowLayout ? 4 : 6 rows: appWindow.narrowLayout ? 1 : -1 Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight Repeater { id: images model: ListModel {} delegate: ListCoverimage { id: image loadingPriority: 200 QQC2.ToolTip { text: model.album delay: -1 visible: mouseArea.containsMouse } MouseArea { id: mouseArea hoverEnabled: true anchors.fill: image acceptedButtons: Qt.LeftButton | Qt.RightButton onClicked: { if (mouse.button == Qt.LeftButton) { let properties = { "depth": root.depth + 1, "songs": mpdState.library.getSongsByAartistAndAlbum( model.album, model.albumartist), // @i18n "title": model.album + " - " + model.albumartist, } appWindow.pageStack.push(Qt.resolvedUrl("AlbumartistSongsPage.qml"), properties) } else if (mouse.button == Qt.RightButton) { if (!contextMenuLoader.item) { contextMenuLoader.sourceComponent = contextMenuComponent } if (!contextMenuLoader.item.visible) { contextMenuLoader.item.popup() } } } Loader { id: contextMenuLoader property var getSongs: function () { return mpdState.library.getSongsByAartistAndAlbum(model.album, model.albumartist) } } } } } Component.onCompleted: { let songs = mpdState.library.getASongsByAartistPerAlbum(model.albumartist) songs.forEach(function (song) { images.model.append(song) }) } } } } } Connections { target: mpdState function onLibraryChanged() { listView.filter() } } Component.onCompleted: { mpdState.getLibrary() } } Component { id: contextMenuComponent QQC2.Menu { id: contextMenu QQC2.MenuItem { Mpdw.icons.queuePlay text: qsTr("Play") onTriggered: { let songs = getSongs() mpdState.replaceQueue( => song.file)) } } QQC2.MenuSeparator {} QQC2.MenuItem { text: qsTr("Append") Mpdw.icons.queueAppend onTriggered: { let songs = getSongs() mpdState.addSongsToQueue( => song.file)) } } QQC2.MenuItem { text: qsTr("Insert") onTriggered: { let songs = getSongs() mpdState.addSongsToQueue( => song.file), "insert") } } } } /* // @FEATURE figure out how to keep the second column visible in width layout Timer { id: fooTimer interval: 0 onTriggered: { appWindow.pageStack.push(Qt.resolvedUrl("AlbumartistSongsPage.qml"), { "depth": root.depth + 1, "songs": root.songs }) } } onVisibleChanged: { if (visible && shownAlbumartist) { if (appWindow.width > 720) { fooTimer.start() } } } */ }