#!/bin/bash cd "${HOME}/.dotfiles" || ( echo ":: Error: Can't cd into ${HOME}/.dotfiles" exit 1 ) # Define updater version UPDATER_VERSION=2 case "${STAGE}" in 1) echo ":: 1 | Unlinking files" ./uninstall.sh echo ":: 1 | Linking files" ./install.sh # Remove legacy updater version file rm -rf "$HOME/.config/.jstm_dotfiles_updater" echo ":: 1 | Update complete." echo " Make sure to execute \"dotfiles-install-software\"" echo " to install/update required software." echo " Append \"--gui\" to install required GUI stuff." ;; *) echo ":: Checking for updates" if [ ! "${1}" == "--force" ] && [ "$(env SCRIPTED=true dotfiles-updatechecker)" == "" ]; then echo ":: No update is available. Use \"--force\" to update anyway." exit 1 fi echo ":: S0 | Unlinking files" ./uninstall.sh echo ":: S0 | Pulling updates" git pull exec env STAGE=1 UPDATER_VERSION=${UPDATER_VERSION} "$HOME/.dotfiles/bin/updater" ;; esac