153 lines
4.1 KiB
153 lines
4.1 KiB
import QtQuick 2.15 as QQ2
import org.kde.plasma.core 2.0 as PlasmaCore
import "coverHelpers.js" as CoverHelpers
QQ2.Item {
id: coverManager
signal gotCover(string id)
signal afterReset
property bool fetching: false
property var currentlyFetching
property string filePrefix: "mpdcover-"
property var covers: ({})
property var fetchQueue: new CoverHelpers.FetchQueue()
function reset() {
covers = {}
* @return {mixed}
* - string: Path to cover image
* - undefined: No cover information known (yet)
* - null: No cover available
function getCover(item, priority = 100) {
let title = getId(item)
if (title in covers) {
if (covers[title] === null) {
return null
} else {
return encodeURIComponent(covers[title].path)
fetchQueue.add(title, item, priority)
return undefined
function getLocalCovers() {
let cmd = 'find ' + cfgCacheRoot + ' -name "' + coverManager.filePrefix + '*-large.jpg"'
executable.exec(cmd, function (exitCode, stdout) {
let lines = stdout.split("\n")
lines.forEach(function (line) {
if (!line) {
line = line.replace("-large.jpg", "")
let id = coverManager.idFromCoverPath(line)
coverManager.covers[id] = {
"path": line
function getId(itemInfo) {
let id = itemInfo.file
if (itemInfo.album && (itemInfo.albumartist || itemInfo.artist)) {
id = (itemInfo.albumartist || itemInfo.artist) + " - " + itemInfo.album
return id
function getCoverFileName(itemInfo) {
// We assume that albums have the same cover, saving only one cover per
// album, not for every song.
let hash = encodeURIComponent(getId(itemInfo))
return filePrefix + hash
function idFromCoverPath(path) {
let id = path.replace(cfgCacheRoot + '/' + filePrefix, '')
id = decodeURIComponent(id)
return id
function markFetched(success) {
let id = getId(currentlyFetching)
let coverPath = cfgCacheRoot + '/' + getCoverFileName(currentlyFetching)
let item = null
if (success) {
item = {
"path": coverPath
coverManager.covers[id] = item
fetching = false
function clearCache() {
let cmd = "rm " + cfgCacheRoot + "/" + filePrefix + "*"
executable.exec(cmd, function () { coverManager.reset() })
// Rotate cover cache
QQ2.Timer {
id: coverRotateTimer
running: true
interval: 10800000
repeat: true
triggeredOnStart: true
onTriggered: {
let cmd = 'find "' + cfgCacheRoot + '" -type f -name "' + filePrefix + '*" -mtime +' + cfgCacheForDays + ' -exec rm "{}" \\;'
executable.exec(cmd, function () { coverManager.reset() })
// Trigger fetching new covers
QQ2.Timer {
id: fetchingQueueTimer
property int watchdog
repeat: true
interval: 500
triggeredOnStart: true
onTriggered: {
if (fetching && watchdog !== 0) {
let itemToFetch = fetchQueue.next()
if (!itemToFetch) {
watchdog = 120
fetching = true
currentlyFetching = itemToFetch
// @TODO Execute here instead of mpdstate?
mpdState.getCover(itemToFetch.file, getCoverFileName(itemToFetch), cfgCacheRoot, filePrefix)
ExecGeneric {
id: executable