# jstm's sysdotfiles ## Read this first! Running `install.sh` or `uninstall.sh` will delete and change some things in the /etc and /usr/local/bin directories! Make sure to first read and understand boht scripts before continuing. ## Note I/We expect you to have [punktdateien](https://git.staropensource.de/JeremyStarTM/punktdateien) and should therefore have all dependencies already installed. ## Managing ### Installing This will remove all related files and install some software. \ ***WARNING: Please back up all files listed above, most important are /etc/pacman.conf, /etc/pacman.d and /etc/makepkg.conf since you'll likely need these to reinstall all other packages to restore their configuration files. Backing up all files and directories though is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED*** ```bash git clone https://git.staropensource.de/JeremyStarTM/syspunktdateien.git "/etc/sysdotfiles" cd "/etc/sysdotfiles" ./install.sh ``` ### Updating This will remove all related files, pull and then link everything again – automatically. ```bash sysdotfiles-updater ``` ### Uninstalling This will reset all programs to their original state and remove `/etc/sysdotfiles` completely. \ ***WARNING: This will erase all installed configuration files and directories. Please reinstall all packages with your package manager, if it's even functional. Please use your backed up files. If you didn't back them up, shoot yourself in the foot.*** ```bash cd "/etc/sysdotfiles" env REMOVE_INSTALLBIT=true REMOVE_REPOSITORIES=true ./uninstall.sh cd "/" rm -rf "/etc/sysdotfiles" ``` ### Repairing This will *should* repair any issues you could have with this repository. ```bash cd "/etc/sysdotfiles" env REMOVE_INSTALLBIT=true REMOVE_REPOSITORIES=true ./uninstall.sh ./install.sh "/usr/local/bin/sysdotfiles-updater" --force ``` If you are still facing issues, contact me.