Welcome to my personal webspace! Here's a little "menu" for just you: \ [[ABOUT ME]](#about-me) [[PROJECTS]](#projects) [[LINKS & CONTACT]](#links-contact) [[LIST OF HATE]](#list-of-hate) # About me I'm JeremyStar™, a developer from Lower Saxony, Germany. I founded the [**StarOpenSource Project**](https://staropensource.de) and the [**StarBuildTeam**](https://sbt.jstm.staropensource.de). ## Music I like to listen to music from these artists: Camellia, Dakku, ColBreakz, Kou!, Juggernaut., t+pazolite, USAO and a few others. \ You can check out my music playlist [here](https://piped.staropensource.de/playlist?list=f9f8b090-7924-4e24-9a5d-d1b22ac4e178). ## Computers I started developing programs at the age of nine, with a Minecraft Bukkit plugin. Since then, I've learned how to manage a server, create games and other skills. ## Video games I also like playing video games. My favourites are Minecraft, Grand Theft Auto V, osu!, Sonic Robo Blast 2, A Short Hike and a few other games. # Personal projects I am not only developing StarOpenSource software, but also stuff like [Presencode](https://presencode.jstm.staropensource.de) (a code-based presentation viewer), [MCServerDocker](https://git.staropensource.de/JeremyStarTM/MCServerDocker) (dockerized and customizable Minecraft server setup), [pihole-docker](https://git.staropensource.de/JeremyStarTM/pihole-docker) (dockerized Pi-hole setup) and [osu!boot](https://git.staropensource.de/JeremyStarTM/osuboot) (wrapper for osu!lazer, downloads and executes the AppImage automatically). # Links & Contact Here's a little list of links that you can use to stalk me ***(please don't do that to me)***: - [**Fediverse** *(@jeremystartm@fly.staropensource.de)*](https://fly.staropensource.de/@jeremystartm) - [**E-Mail** *(jeremystartm@staropensource.de)*](mailto:jeremystartm@staropensource.de) - [**sos!git** *(@JeremyStarTM)*](https://git.staropensource.de/JeremyStarTM) - [**Minecraft** *(JeremyStar)*](https://namemc.com/profile/JeremyStar.1) - [**osu! (@JeremyStarTM)**](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/29391986) - [**AUR (@JeremyStarTM)**](https://aur.archlinux.org/account/JeremyStarTM) # List of Hate Here's a list of companies, bad people, etc. that I absolutely dislike: - google - microsoft - apple - meta - ads - malware - tracking - analytics - cloudflare - mosqitos - nazis - classmates - xqc - reaction content - plasmashell NOT RESPONDING YOU STUPID THING - firefox/librewolf stutters - wine (not proton) - windoze - macos - all android vendors - ubuntu (not derivative distros) - redhat - closed source licenses - (deutsch)rap - mastodon.social - official websites of selfhostable services which bombard you with their saas solution, where you must play minesweeper to get to their docs or downloads page - alternative für deutschland (political party in germany) - censorship - me :3