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2024-03-22 21:52:49 +01:00
# Copyright (c) 2024 The StarOpenSource Project & Contributors
# Licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License v3
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
## Initializes and manages the framework.
## The [b]CORE Object[/b] is responsible for initializing, managing and
## serving the CORE Framework to the developer.
extends Node
class_name Core
# Constants
## The release number
const version_release: int = 1
## The release type
const version_type: CoreTypes.VersionType = CoreTypes.VersionType.BETA
## The release type number. Resets on every new release and release type.
const version_typerelease: int = 3
# Modules
## Use this to access CORE's logging implementation.
var logger: CoreBaseModule
## Use this to access various useful functions.
var misc: CoreBaseModule
## Use this to access the scene management system.
var sms: CoreBaseModule
## Use this to access the graphical log. Serves no importance to you (probably).
var logui: CoreBaseModule
## Use this to access CORE's builtin HTTP request maker.
var edl: CoreBaseModule
## Use this to access configuration and settings files easily.
var storage: CoreBaseModule
# Variables
## Contains CORE's load path
var basepath: String
## Holds the configuration[br]
## [br]
## [b]NEVER access this yourself. To change the configuration file, use [method Core.reload_configuration] instead.[/b]
var config: CoreConfiguration
## Contains all loaded custom modules.
var custom_modules: Dictionary = {}
## Contains the custom modules node.
var custom_modules_node: Node
# Preinitialization
func _init(new_config: CoreConfiguration = CoreConfiguration.new()) -> void:
name = "CORE"
if !check_godot_version(): return
if !determine_basepath(): queue_free()
custom_modules_node = Node.new()
# Initialization
func _ready() -> void:
custom_modules_node.name = "Custom Modules"
# Initialize modules
## Initializes all modules during the first initialization phase.[br]
## [br]
## [b]NEVER call this yourself! You will break everything and risk a crash![/b]
func initialize_modules() -> void:
# Create Nodes
logger = CoreBaseModule.new()
misc = CoreBaseModule.new()
sms = CoreBaseModule.new()
logui = CoreBaseModule.new()
edl = CoreBaseModule.new()
storage = CoreBaseModule.new()
# Set names
logger.name = "Logger"
misc.name = "Misc"
sms.name = "SceneManagementSystem"
logui.name = "LogUI"
edl.name = "EasyDownLoader"
storage.name = "Storage"
# Set scripts
logger.set_script(ResourceLoader.load(basepath + "src/Logger.gd"))
misc.set_script(ResourceLoader.load(basepath + "src/Misc.gd"))
sms.set_script(ResourceLoader.load(basepath + "src/Sms.gd"))
logui.set_script(ResourceLoader.load(basepath + "src/Logui.gd"))
edl.set_script(ResourceLoader.load(basepath + "src/Edl.gd"))
storage.set_script(ResourceLoader.load(basepath + "src/Storage.gd"))
# Set reference to self
logger.core = self
misc.core = self
sms.core = self
logui.core = self
edl.core = self
storage.core = self
# Call _initialize() (workaround as modules cannot access "core" during _init())
# Inject modules into the SceneTree
## Injects CORE's builtin modules into the SceneTree.[br]
## [br]
## [b]NEVER call this yourself! You will break everything and risk a crash![/b]
func inject_modules() -> void:
# Wait for all modules to be fully initialized
## Wait for all builtin modules to be fully initialized.[br]
## [br]
## This ensures that all of CORE's builtin modules are fully initialized and ready.
## [b]Not calling this function during startup may lead to runtime issues.[/b]
func complete_init(no_success: bool = false) -> void:
var modsinit_builtin: Array[String] = ["workaround"]
var modsinit_custom: Array[String] = ["workaround"]
while modsinit_builtin.size() != 0 and modsinit_custom.size() != 0:
# Clear arrays
modsinit_builtin = []
modsinit_custom = []
# Check builtin modules
if !logger.initialized: modsinit_builtin.append("logger")
if !misc.initialized: modsinit_builtin.append("misc")
if !sms.initialized: modsinit_builtin.append("sms")
if !logui.initialized: modsinit_builtin.append("logui")
if !edl.initialized: modsinit_builtin.append("edl")
if !storage.initialized: modsinit_builtin.append("storage")
# Check custom modules
for module_name in custom_modules:
if !custom_modules[module_name].initialized: modsinit_custom.append(module_name)
# Print and sleep
if modsinit_builtin.size() != 0 or modsinit_custom.size() != 0:
print("Waiting for modules to finish initialization:")
if modsinit_builtin.size() != 0:
print(" Builtin: " + str(modsinit_builtin))
if modsinit_custom.size() != 0:
print(" Custom: " + str(modsinit_custom))
await get_tree().create_timer(1).timeout
# Initialization complete
await get_tree().process_frame
if !no_success: logger.infof("Core", "Initialized CORE successfully")
# Registers a custom module
## Registers a new custom module.
func register_custom_module(module_name: String, module_class: CoreBaseModule) -> bool:
logger.verbf("Core", "Registering new custom module \"" + module_name + "\"")
if !config.custom_modules:
logger.errorf("Core", "Registering module failed: Custom module support is disabled.")
return false
if custom_modules.has(module_name):
logger.errorf("Core", "Registering module failed: A custom module with the name \"" + module_name + "\" already exists.")
return false
module_class.name = module_name
logger.diagf("Core", "Updating variables")
module_class.core = self
logger.diagf("Core", "Adding module to SceneTree")
logger.diagf("Core", "Merging module with custom_modules")
custom_modules.merge({ module_name: module_class })
logger.diagf("Core", "Initializing custom module")
logger.diagf("Core", "Updating custom module configuration")
return true
# Unregisters a custom module
## Unregisters a custom module, making it no longer function.
func unregister_custom_module(module_name: String) -> void:
logger.verbf("Core", "Unregistering custom module \"" + module_name + "\"")
if !custom_modules.has(module_name):
logger.errorf("Core", "Unregistering module failed: A custom module with the name \"" + module_name + "\" does not exist.")
# Returns a custom module
## Returns a loaded custom module for access.
func get_custom_module(module_name: String) -> CoreBaseModule:
logger.diagf("Core", "Getting custom module \"" + module_name + "\"")
if !custom_modules.has(module_name):
logger.errorf("Core", "Getting module failed: A custom module with the name \"" + module_name + "\" does not exist.")
return null
return custom_modules[module_name]
# (Re-)Load configuration
## Loads a (new) configuration file and applies it to all modules.
func reload_configuration(new_config: CoreConfiguration = CoreConfiguration.new()) -> void:
var initialized = config != null
if initialized: logger.verbf("Core", "Reloading CORE's configuration")
config = new_config
if is_devmode(): # Override configuration in development mode
config.logger_level = CoreTypes.LoggerLevel.VERB
if initialized: logger.verbf("Core", "Overrode configuration (development mode)")
if initialized: apply_configuration()
# Call _pull_config() functions
## Applies the newly applied configuration.[br]
## [br]
## [b]NEVER call this yourself unless you know what you are doing![/b]
func apply_configuration() -> void:
logger.verbf("Core", "Applying configuration")
if is_devmode(): logger.warnf("Core", "The CORE Framework is in development mode. Here be dragons!")
if config.headless: logger.warnf("Core", "CORE is in headless mode. Certain modules will not work as expected.")
if !config.custom_modules:
logger.verbf("Core", "Removing all custom modules (custom modules support is disabled)")
for module in custom_modules: unregister_custom_module(module)
if config.custom_modules:
for module in custom_modules:
logger.diagf("Core", "Updating configuration for custom module \"" + module.name + "\"")
# Return development mode status
## Returns if the CORE Framework is in development mode.
func is_devmode() -> bool:
return config.debugging and basepath == "res://" and OS.is_debug_build()
# Replaces variables with human-friendly strings
## Replaces placeholders with human-friendly strings You can use the following placeholders:[br]
## - [code]%release%[/code]: Returns the release number.[br]
## - [code]%release_type%[/code]: Returns the typerelease number[br]
## - [code]%release_semantic%[/code]: Returns the result of [method Core.get_version_semantic], example [i]5.2.3[/i][br]
## - [code]%type%[/code]: Returns the release type as a word, for example [i]Release Candidate[/i][br]
## - [code]%type_technical%[/code]: Returns the release type as one or two lowercase letters, for example [i]rc[/i][br]
## - [code]%devmode%[/code]: Returns the development mode status[br]
## - [code]%headless%[/code]: Returns the headless mode status
func get_formatted_string(string: String) -> String:
# Version strings
string = string.replace("%release%", str(version_release))
string = string.replace("%release_type%", str(version_typerelease))
var semantic_version: Array[int] = get_version_semantic()
string = string.replace("%release_semantic%", str(semantic_version[0]) + "." + str(semantic_version[1]) + "." + str(semantic_version[2]))
string = string.replace("%type%", "Release")
string = string.replace("%type_technical%", "r")
string = string.replace("%type%", "Release Candidate")
string = string.replace("%type_technical%", "rc")
string = string.replace("%type%", "Beta")
string = string.replace("%type_technical%", "b")
string = string.replace("%type%", "Alpha")
string = string.replace("%type_technical%", "a")
_: await logger.crashf("Core", "Invalid version type " + str(version_type), true)
# Development mode
if is_devmode(): string = string.replace("%devmode%", "Enabled")
else: string = string.replace("%devmode%", "Disabled")
# Headless mode
if config.headless: string = string.replace("%headless%", "Enabled")
else: string = string.replace("%headless%", "Disabled")
# Custom module support
if config.custom_modules: string = string.replace("%custommodules%", "Enabled")
else: string = string.replace("%custommodules%", "Disabled")
return string
# Return CORE's version in the semantic versioning scheme
## Returns CORE's versioning scheme into the semantic versioning scheme.[br]
## The first integer contains the release number, the second integer contains the release type ([code]0[/code] for alpha, [code]1[/code] for beta, [code]2[/code] for rc and [code]3[/code] for release and the last integer contains the typerelease number.
func get_version_semantic() -> Array[int]:
var version_type_int: int
CoreTypes.VersionType.RELEASE: version_type_int = 3
CoreTypes.VersionType.RELEASECANDIDATE: version_type_int = 2
CoreTypes.VersionType.BETA: version_type_int = 1
CoreTypes.VersionType.ALPHA: version_type_int = 0
return [version_release, version_type_int, version_typerelease]
# Determines CORE's installation/base path
## Determines CORE's installation/base path[br]
## [br]
## [b]Calling this function is likely to be safe, but shouldn't be done nonetheless![/b]
func determine_basepath() -> bool:
if FileAccess.file_exists("res://.corebasepath"):
basepath = "res://"
elif FileAccess.file_exists("res://CORE/.corebasepath"):
basepath = "res://CORE/"
elif FileAccess.file_exists("res://addons/CORE/.corebasepath"):
basepath = "res://addons/CORE/"
assert(false, "CORE is not located at 'res://CORE/', aborting initialization")
return false
return true
# Checks Godot's version
## Checks compatibility with the running version.
func check_godot_version() -> bool:
var version: Dictionary = Engine.get_version_info()
4: pass
printerr("The CORE Framework does not support Godot versions older or newer than 4.x.x")
return false
0: printerr("The CORE Framework does not support Godot versions older than 4.2.x. Please update to Godot 4.2.x to ensure full compatibility.")
1: printerr("The CORE Framework does not support Godot versions older than 4.2.x. Please update to Godot 4.2.x to ensure full compatibility.")
2: pass
printerr("The CORE Framework does not support Godot versions newer than 4.2.x. Please downgrade to Godot 4.2.x.")
return false
if version["status"] != "stable":
printerr("The CORE Framework does not support unstable Godot versions. Please switch to Godot stable 4.2.x.")
return false
return true