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# Mother Of All Mods (the CORE modloader)
# This file is part of StarOpenSource CORE (SOSCORE)
# Made by the StarOpenSource Project and Contributers
# Licensed under GNU GPLv3
extends Node
var core = get_node("/root/core")
var config_loadpath = null
var config_wanted_name = null
var config_wanted_version = null
var config_wanted_api = null
var modlist = []
var hooks = {}
func load_mods() -> Array:
if core.protection_mode: return []
var errors = []
for directory in DirAccess.get_directories_at(config_loadpath):
var return_value = await load_mod(directory)
if return_value != "":
return errors
func load_mod(mod_name:String) -> String:"moam","Loading modification \"" + mod_name + "\"")
if modlist.has(mod_name):
Logger.error("moam","Modification \"" + mod_name + "\" is already loaded")
if !FileAccess.file_exists(config_loadpath + "/" + mod_name + "/" + config_wanted_name + ".coremod"):
Logger.error("moam","Modification located at " + config_loadpath + "/" + mod_name + " does not contain a " + config_wanted_name + ".coremod file")
return "Modification located at " + config_loadpath + "/" + mod_name + " does not contain a " + config_wanted_name + ".coremod file"
var modinfo_raw = + "/" + mod_name + "/" + config_wanted_name + ".coremod",FileAccess.READ)
var modinfo = modinfo_raw.get_as_text()
modinfo = JSON.parse_string(modinfo)
if modinfo == null:
Logger.error("moam","Failed modinfo parsing for modification located at " + config_loadpath + "/" + mod_name)
return "Failed modinfo parsing for modification located at " + config_loadpath + "/" + mod_name
if !modinfo.has_all(["wanted","mod"]):
Logger.error("moam","The modinfo of modification located at " + config_loadpath + "/" + mod_name + " does not contain wanted, mod or both")
return "The modinfo of modification located at " + config_loadpath + "/" + mod_name + " does not contain wanted, mod or both"
if !modinfo["wanted"].has_all(["min_version","max_version","min_api","max_api"]):
Logger.error("moam","The modinfo of modification located at " + config_loadpath + "/" + mod_name + " does not contain wanted.min_version, wanted.max_version, wanted.min_api or wanted.max_api or some combination of them.")
return "The modinfo of modification located at " + config_loadpath + "/" + mod_name + " does not contain wanted.min_version, wanted.max_version, wanted.min_api or wanted.max_api or some combination of them."
if !modinfo["mod"].has_all(["name","version","authors","license","entrypoint"]):
Logger.error("moam","The modinfo of modification located at " + config_loadpath + "/" + mod_name + " does not contain, mod.version, mod.authors, mod.license or mod.entrypoint or some combination of them.")
return "The modinfo of modification located at " + config_loadpath + "/" + mod_name + " does not contain, mod.version, mod.authors, mod.license or mod.entrypoint or some combination of them."
if not modinfo["wanted"]["min_version"] <= config_wanted_version or not modinfo["wanted"]["max_version"] >= config_wanted_version:
Logger.error("moam","The modification \"" + modinfo["mod"]["name"] + " does not match wanted version " + str(config_wanted_version))
return "The modification \"" + modinfo["mod"]["name"] + " does not match wanted version " + str(config_wanted_version)
if not modinfo["wanted"]["min_api"] <= config_wanted_api or not modinfo["wanted"]["max_api"] >= config_wanted_api:
Logger.error("moam","The modification \"" + modinfo["mod"]["name"] + " does not match wanted api " + str(config_wanted_api))
return "The modification \"" + modinfo["mod"]["name"] + " does not match wanted api " + str(config_wanted_api)
if !FileAccess.file_exists(config_loadpath + "/" + mod_name + "/" + modinfo["mod"]["entrypoint"]):
Logger.error("moam","The entrypoint for the modification \"" + modinfo["mod"]["name"] + "\" located at \"" + config_loadpath + "/" + mod_name + "/" + modinfo["mod"]["entrypoint"] + "\" does not exist")
return "The entrypoint for the modification \"" + modinfo["mod"]["name"] + "\" located at \"" + config_loadpath + "/" + mod_name + "/" + modinfo["mod"]["entrypoint"] + "\" does not exist"
var entrypoint_script = ResourceLoader.load(config_loadpath + "/" + mod_name + "/" + modinfo["mod"]["entrypoint"])
var entrypoint = = mod_name
var mod_err = await get_node("/root/" + mod_name)._start()
if mod_err == "":
return ""
return "Modification \"" + mod_name + "\" could not be loaded as it returned this error: " + mod_err
func unload_mods() -> void:
for mod in modlist:
await unload_mod(mod)
func unload_mod(mod_name:String) -> void:"moam","Unloading modification \"" + mod_name + "\"")
if !modlist.has(mod_name):
Logger.error("moam","Modification \"" + mod_name + "\" is not loaded")
if get_tree().root.get_node_or_null(mod_name) == null:
core.exception("moam","Could not locate mod entrypoint script for mod \"" + mod_name + "\" during unload")
await get_node("/root/" + mod_name)._stop()
get_tree().root.remove_child(get_node("/root/" + mod_name))
func register_hook(mod_name:String,hook_name:String,hook_action:int,method:Callable) -> bool:
if !modlist.has(mod_name):
core.exception("moam","Failed registering hook \"" + hook_name + "\" for mod \"" + mod_name + "\" as it does not exist or is not loaded")
return false
if hooks.has(hook_name):
Logger.error("moam","Failed registering hook \"" + hook_name + "\" for mod \"" + mod_Name + "\" as the hook already exists")
return true
func get_list() -> Array:
return modlist
func get_info(mod_name:String) -> Dictionary:
if !modlist.has(mod_name):
return {"error":"Modification \"" + mod_name + "\" is not loaded"}
var modinfo_raw = + "/" + mod_name + "/" + config_wanted_name + ".coremod",FileAccess.READ)
var modinfo = JSON.parse_string(modinfo_raw.get_as_text())
if modinfo == null:
return {"error":"Failed parsing modinfo for modification \"" + modinfo + "\""}
return modinfo
func load_configuration() -> void:
if core.protection_mode: return
config_loadpath = core.config.moam_loadpath
config_wanted_name = core.config.moam_wanted_name
config_wanted_version = core.config.moam_wanted_version
if core.config.get("moam_wanted_api") == null:
config_wanted_api = config_wanted_version
config_wanted_api = core.config.moam_wanted_api
func initialize() -> void:
if core.protection_mode: return