Update documentation (first commit)

This commit is contained in:
JeremyStar™ 2024-04-08 02:43:31 +02:00
parent 7e75bc6638
commit 0ac55d4f1b
Signed by: JeremyStarTM
GPG key ID: E366BAEF67E4704D
14 changed files with 264 additions and 170 deletions

View file

@ -1,21 +1,23 @@
sidebar_position: 1
sidebar_position: 0
description: Initializes and manages the framework.
# `CORE`
The **CORE Object** is the class you use to initialize the CORE Framework.
The **CORE Object** is responsible for initializing, managing and serving the CORE Framework.
## Constants
## Versioning
### *int* <u>version_release</u>
CORE's release number
CORE's version number.
### *CoreTypes.VersionType* <u>version_type</u>
CORE's release type. See [`CoreTypes.VersionType`](/reference/coretypes#versiontype) for more information.
CORE's version type. See [`CoreTypes.VersionType`](/reference/coretypes#versiontype) for more information.
### *int* <u>version_typerelease</u>
CORE's typerelease number
CORE's version type number. Resets on every new version and version type.
### *Array[String]* <u>modules</u> = *[ "logger", "misc", "sms", "logui", "erm", "storage" ]*
## Modules
Use these to access CORE's modules.
- [`config`](/reference/coreconfiguration) (**NEVER access this yourself. To change the configuration, use [`reload_configuration()`](#void-reload_configurationcoreconfiguration-new_config) instead**)
- [`config`](/reference/coreconfiguration) (**NEVER access this yourself. To change the configuration, use `reload_configuration()` instead**)
- [`logger`](/reference/logger)
- [`misc`](/reference/misc)
- `logui` (not important for developers, displays the log graphically)
@ -25,40 +27,90 @@ Use these to access CORE's modules.
## Variables
### *String* <u>basepath</u>
::danger[Don't modify]
Do not modify this.
Stores the path to CORE's installation directory.
### *Dictionary* <u>custom_modules</u> = *{}*
### *void* <u>_ready</u>()
::danger[Don't modify]
Do not modify this.
Contains a list of all loaded custom modules.
### *Node* <u>custom_modules_node</u>
::danger[Don't modify]
Do not modify this.
Contains the node holding all custom modules as children.
## Functions
### *void* <u>_init</u>(*CoreConfiguration* <u>new_config</u>)
Determines the base path, loads the configuration file and initializes all modules.
### *bool* <u>register_custom_module</u>(*String* <u>module_name</u>, *CoreBaseModule* <u>module_class</u>)
::danger[Don't call]
Do not call this (except you're using `Core.new()`).
Handles the preinitialization part. Does stuff like checking the engine version, loading the config and loading all modules into memory.
### *void* <u>_ready</u>()
::danger[Don't call]
Do not call this.
Handles the initialization part. Injects the builtin modules into the SceneTree and makes sure custom modules can be loaded properly. \
### *void* <u>initialize_modules</u>()
::danger[Don't call]
Do not call this.
Initializes all built-in modules during the preinitialization phase.
### *void* <u>inject_modules</u>()
::danger[Don't call]
Do not call this.
Injects CORE's built-in modules into the SceneTree.
### *void* <u>complete_init</u>(*bool* <u>no_success_message</u> = *false*)
Waits for all built-in and custom modules to fully initialize. \
This ensures that all modules are fully initialized and ready for usage. \
***Not calling this function during startup may lead to runtime issues.***
### *bool* <u>register_custom_module</u>(*String* <u>module_name</u>, *String* <u>module_origin</u>, *CoreBaseModule* <u>module_class</u>)
Registers a custom module.
Returns `true` if successful.
### *void* <u>unregister_custom_module</u>(*String* <u>module_name</u>)
Unregisters a custom module.
Unregisters a custom module, making it no longer available.
### *CoreBaseModule* <u>get_custom_module</u>(*String* <u>module_name</u>)
Returns a registered custom module. \
Please note that you can't get CORE's builtin modules with this function.
### *void* <u>reload_configuration</u>(*CoreConfiguration* <u>new_config</u>)
Loads a new CoreConfiguration class and applies it's settings.
Please note that you can't get CORE's built-in modules with this function.
### *void* <u>reload_configuration</u>(*CoreConfiguration* <u>new_config</u> = *CoreConfiguration.new()*)
Loads a (new) configuration object and applies it to all modules.
### *void* <u>apply_configuration</u>()
::danger[Don't call]
Do not call this.
Applies the a configuration.
### *void* <u>cleanup</u>()
Makes sure that CORE does not leak memory on shutdown/unload. \
Unloads all custom modules, built-in modules, frees any of CORE's classes and lastly itself.
### *bool* <u>is_devmode</u>()
Returns the development mode status.
Returns if the CORE Framework is in development mode.
### *String* <u>get_format_string</u>(*String* <u>string</u>)
Replaces placeholders with human-friendly strings \
Replaces placeholders with human-friendly strings. \
You can use the following placeholders:
- `%release%`
Returns the release number.
- `%release_type%`
Returns the typerelease number
- `%release_semantic%`
Returns the result of [`get_version_semantic()`](#arrayint-get_version_semantic), example *5.2.3*
- `%type%`
Returns the release type as a word, for example *Release Candidate*
- `%type_technical%`
Returns the release type as one or two lowercase letters, for example *rc*
- `%version%`
Returns the version number.
- `%version_type%`
Returns the version type number
- `%version_semantic%`
Returns the result of `get_version_semantic()`, example *5.2.3*
- `%version_type%`
Returns the version type as a word, for example *Release Candidate*
- `%version_type_technical%`
Returns the version type as one or two lowercase letters, for example *rc*
- `%devmode%`
Returns the development mode status
- `%headless%`
Returns the headless mode status
- `%custommodules%`
Returns if custom module support is enabled
### *Array[int]* <u>get_version_semantic</u>()
Returns the CORE version in the semantic versioning scheme. The first integer contains the release number, the second integer contains the release type (0 for alpha, 1 for beta, 2 for rc and 3 for release) and the last integer contains the typerelease number.
Returns the CORE version in the semantic versioning scheme. The first integer contains the version number, the second integer contains the version type (`0` for alpha, `1` for beta, `2` for rc and `3` for release) and the last integer contains the version type number.
### *bool* <u>determine_basepath</u>()
::danger[Don't call]
Do not call this.
Determines CORE's installation/base path.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
sidebar_position: 3
description: Template for CORE modules
# `CoreBaseModule`
Provides a basic template and a common foundation for building CORE modules. \
It provides common functions and variables used in all CORE modules.
## Variables
### *Core* <u>core</u>
Contains a reference to the [CORE Object](/reference/core).
### *CoreBaseModule* <u>logger</u> = *core.logger*
Set to CORE's logger implementation.
### *CoreLoggerInstance* <u>loggeri</u>
Set to a logger instance with the path you supplied to `core.register_custom_module`. You should use this over `logger`.
### *bool* <u>initialized</u> = *false*
Marks a module as fully initialized and ready. **Don't forget to set this!**
## Functions
### *void* <u>_initialize</u>()
CORE's replacement for `Object._init` and `Node._ready`. \
It's **strongly** recommended to initialize your module here or stuff might break.
### *void* <u>_cleanup</u>()
Called when CORE is about to cleanup. \
Use this function to remove any children from the SceneTree and free any nodes. \
If not done you might cause a memory leak.
### *void* <u>_pull_config</u>()
Called after CORE's configuration got updated. \
Probably useless to your module, unless you want to modify another module's settings.

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
sidebar_position: 6
sidebar_position: 1
# `CoreConfiguration`
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ This will not enable the development mode automatically, only if you're developi
Allows debugging functionality if set to `true`, or not if set to `false`.
### *bool* <u>custom_modules</u> = *false*
Allows or disallows custom modules.
## Logger
### *CoreTypes.LoggerLevel* <u>logger_level</u> = *CoreTypes.LoggerLevel.INFO*
I don't have to explain this, do I?
@ -37,6 +38,7 @@ with a newline!
### *int* <u>logger_newlines_sizelimit</u> = *40*
The maximum amount of characters than can appear before `%message%` before newlines won't be overriden. Setting this variable to `-1` disables this behaviour.
## LogUI
### *bool* <u>logui_enabled</u> = *true*
Determines if [`LogUI`](/terminology#logui) should be visible or not.

View file

@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
sidebar_position: 5
sidebar_position: 2
description: Contains various enums.
# `CoreTypes`
Contains globaly accessible custom enums and types used throughout the CORE Framework's source code.
## Enums
### <u>VersionType</u>
### <u>LoggerLevel</u>
### <u>SceneType</u>
Available version types, following the StarOpenSource Versioning Specification (SOSVS) version 1.
### <u>LoggerLevel</u>{ NONE, ERROR, WARN, INFO, VERB, DIAG }
Available log levels, followingthe StarOpenSource Logging Specification (SOSLS) version 1.
Available scene types.

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
sidebar_position: 2
sidebar_position: 4
# `Logger`

View file

@ -1,21 +1,33 @@
sidebar_position: 3
sidebar_position: 5
description: Passes `origin` for you.
# `LoggerInstance`
Passes <u>origin</u> for you.
Pretty much a wrapper around CORE's logging implementation. \
CoreLoggerInstance's only job is to save you some effort aka. \
you not needing to pass the `origin` argument to each \
and every log call, which is extremely annoying. Thank us later ;)
## Variables
### *CoreBaseModule* <u>logger</u>
Reference to CORE's logger module.
### *String* <u>origin</u>
The origin argument.
## Functions
### *void* <u>_init</u>(*CoreBaseModule* <u>logger_new</u>, *String* <u>origin_new</u>)
The instance constructor.
### *void* <u>diag</u>(*String* <u>message</u>)
Prints a diagnostic message
Prints a diagnostic message.
### *void* <u>verb</u>(*String* <u>message</u>)
Prints a verbose message
Prints a verbose message.
### *void* <u>info</u>(*String* <u>message</u>)
Prints an informational message
Prints an informational message.
### *void* <u>warn</u>(*String* <u>message</u>)
Prints a warning message
Prints a warning message.
### *void* <u>error</u>(*String* <u>message</u>)
Prints an error message
Prints an error message.
### *void* <u>crash</u>(*String* <u>message</u>)
:::note[Awaiting required]
Using the `await` keyword is required for this function.

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
sidebar_position: 4
sidebar_position: 6
# `Miscellaneous`

View file

@ -7,9 +7,11 @@ You don't know a word? Look it up here.
## CORE Object aka. `CORE`
The **CORE Object** is the class you use to initialize the CORE Framework.
## `LogUI`
## `Log UI`
Displays the log/console output graphically in the background.
## `ERM`
Stands for **Easy Request Maker** and allows you to download stuff.
## `EDL`
Stands for **Easy DownLoader** and allows you to download stuff.
The old name for the [`ERM`](#erm) module, which was called `Easy DownLoader` previously.
## `SMS`
No, it does not stand for **Short Message Service**, but for **Scene Management System**. It manages your scenes.

View file

@ -15,23 +15,23 @@
"typecheck": "tsc"
"dependencies": {
"@docusaurus/core": "3.1.1",
"@docusaurus/plugin-client-redirects": "^3.1.1",
"@docusaurus/plugin-content-docs": "^3.1.1",
"@docusaurus/plugin-sitemap": "^3.1.1",
"@docusaurus/preset-classic": "3.1.1",
"@mdx-js/react": "^3.0.0",
"clsx": "^2.0.0",
"prism-react-renderer": "^2.3.0",
"react": "^18.0.0",
"react-dom": "^18.0.0"
"@docusaurus/core": "3.2.1",
"@docusaurus/plugin-client-redirects": "^3.2.1",
"@docusaurus/plugin-content-docs": "^3.2.1",
"@docusaurus/plugin-sitemap": "^3.2.1",
"@docusaurus/preset-classic": "3.2.1",
"@mdx-js/react": "^3.0.1",
"clsx": "^2.1.0",
"prism-react-renderer": "^2.3.1",
"react": "^18.2.0",
"react-dom": "^18.2.0"
"devDependencies": {
"@docusaurus/module-type-aliases": "3.1.1",
"@docusaurus/tsconfig": "3.1.1",
"@docusaurus/types": "3.1.1",
"@types/node": "^20.11.0",
"typescript": "~5.2.2"
"@docusaurus/module-type-aliases": "3.2.1",
"@docusaurus/tsconfig": "3.2.1",
"@docusaurus/types": "3.2.1",
"@types/node": "^20.12.5",
"typescript": "~5.4.4"
"browserslist": {
"production": [

View file

@ -22,25 +22,22 @@
extends Node
class_name CoreBaseModule
## Contains a reference to the CORE Object[br]
## [br]
## Set before loading the module into the SceneTree.
## Contains a reference to the CORE Object.
var core: Core
## Reference to CORE's logger implementation.[br]
## [br]
## Will be set before [method Node._ready]
## Set to CORE's logger implementation.
@onready var logger: CoreBaseModule = core.logger
## Reference to a matching [class CoreLoggerInstance].
## Set to a [class CoreLoggerInstance] with the path you supplied to [method Core.register_custom_module]. You should use this over [code]logger[/code].
var loggeri: CoreLoggerInstance
## Marks a module as fully initialized and ready.
## Marks a module as fully initialized and ready. **Don't forget to set this!**
var initialized: bool = false
## CORE's replacement for [method Object._init] and [method Node._ready]
## It's [b]strongly[/b] recommended to initialize your module here.
## CORE's replacement for [method Object._init] and [method Node._ready].
## It's [b]strongly[/b] recommended to initialize your module here or stuff might break.
func _initialize() -> void: initialized = true
## Called when CORE is about to cleanup
## Use this function to free any children
## Called when CORE is about to cleanup.[br]
## Use this function to remove any children from the SceneTree and free any nodes.[br]
## If not done you might cause a memory leak.
func _cleanup() -> void: pass
## Called by [method Core.apply_configuration].
## This should be used to update your module configuration.
## Called after CORE's configuration got updated.[br]
## Probably useless to your module, unless you want to modify another module's settings.
func _pull_config() -> void: pass

View file

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ extends Node
class_name CoreConfiguration
## Controls CORE's functionality.
## Controls CORE's functionality.[br]
## Renders GUI-related modules useless when set to [code]false[/code], which is the recommended behaviour on servers. For CORE's full functionality, set this to [code]true[/code].
@export var headless: bool
## Allows debugging functionality if set to [code]true[/code], or not if set to [code]false[/code].[br]
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ class_name CoreConfiguration
@export var logger_colored: bool
## The format string the logger will operate on. Available placeholders are: [code]%time%[/code], [code]%time_ms%[/code], [code]%level%[/code], [code]%color%[/code], [code]%message%[/code], [code]%source%[/code], [code]%source_raw%[/code], [code]%function%[/code] and [code]%line%[/code]
@export var logger_format: String
## This example should make it clear, what this does:
## This example should make it clear, what this does:[br]
## [codeblock]
## logger_newlines_override = true:
## [09:47:00] [INFO Test.gd:69] This is a test message...

View file

@ -24,23 +24,26 @@
extends Node
class_name CoreLoggerInstance
## Class name
## Reference to CORE's logger module.
var logger: CoreBaseModule
## The origin argument.
var origin: String
## The instance constructor.
func _init(logger_new: CoreBaseModule, origin_new: String) -> void:
logger = logger_new
origin = origin_new
## Prints a diagnostic message
## Prints a diagnostic message.
func diag(message: String) -> void: logger.diag(origin, message)
## Prints a verbose message
## Prints a verbose message.
func verb(message: String) -> void: logger.verb(origin, message)
## Prints a informational message
## Prints a informational message.
func info(message: String) -> void: logger.info(origin, message)
## Prints a warning message
## Prints a warning message.
func warn(message: String) -> void: logger.warn(origin, message)
## Prints a error message
## Prints a error message.
func error(message: String) -> void: logger.error(origin, message)
## Handles crashes. Will terminate your game/application immediately.
## Note: Awaiting required.
func crash(message: String) -> void: await logger.crash(origin, message)

View file

@ -19,9 +19,9 @@
extends Node
class_name CoreTypes
## Available version types, following the StarOpenSource Versioning Specification (SOSVS) version 1
## Available version types, following the StarOpenSource Versioning Specification (SOSVS) version 1.
## Available log levels, followingthe StarOpenSource Logging Specification (SOSLS) version 1
## Available log levels, followingthe StarOpenSource Logging Specification (SOSLS) version 1.
enum LoggerLevel { NONE, ERROR, WARN, INFO, VERB, DIAG }
## Available scene types
## Available scene types.

View file

@ -18,46 +18,50 @@
## Initializes and manages the framework.
## The [b]CORE Object[/b] is responsible for initializing, managing and
## serving the CORE Framework to the developer.
## serving the CORE Framework.
extends Node
class_name Core
# Constants
# Versioning
## The version number
const version_version: int = 1
## The version type
## The version type. See [enum CoreTypes.VersionType] for more information.
const version_type: CoreTypes.VersionType = CoreTypes.VersionType.BETA
## The version type number. Resets on every new version and version type.
const version_typerelease: int = 4
const version_typerelease: int = 6
# Modules
## Used internally for loading, managing and unloading modules.
const modules: Array[String] = [ "logger", "misc", "sms", "logui", "erm", "storage" ]
## Use this to access CORE's logging implementation.
## CORE's configuration object.[br]
## [b]NEVER access this yourself! To change the configuration use [method reload_configuration] instead.[/b]
var config: CoreConfiguration
## The 'Logger' module
var logger: CoreBaseModule
## Use this to access various useful functions.
## The 'Miscellaneous' module
var misc: CoreBaseModule
## Use this to access the scene management system.
## The 'Scene Management System' module
var sms: CoreBaseModule
## Use this to access the graphical log. Serves no importance to you (probably).
## The 'Log UI' module. Not important for you, it just displays the log graphically :3
var logui: CoreBaseModule
## Use this to access CORE's builtin HTTP request maker.
## The 'Easy Request Maker' module (formerly 'Easy DownLoader')
var erm: CoreBaseModule
## Use this to access configuration and settings files easily.
## The 'Storage' module
var storage: CoreBaseModule
# Variables
## Contains CORE's load path
# /etc/
## Stores the path to CORE's installation directory.[br]
## Danger: Don't modify this.
var basepath: String
## Holds the configuration[br]
## [br]
## [b]NEVER access this yourself. To change the configuration file, use [method Core.reload_configuration] instead.[/b]
var config: CoreConfiguration
## Contains all loaded custom modules.
## Contains a list of all loaded custom modules.[br]
## Danger: Don't modify this.
var custom_modules: Dictionary = {}
## Contains the custom modules node.
## Contains the node holding all custom modules as children.[br]
## Danger: Don't modify this.
var custom_modules_node: Node
# Preinitialization
# +++ initialization +++
## Handles the preinitialization part. Does stuff like checking the engine version, loading the config and loading all modules into memory.
func _init(new_config: CoreConfiguration = CoreConfiguration.new()) -> void:
name = "CORE"
if !check_godot_version(): return
@ -67,32 +71,15 @@ func _init(new_config: CoreConfiguration = CoreConfiguration.new()) -> void:
# Initialization
## Handles the initialization part. Injects the builtin modules into the SceneTree and makes sure custom modules can be loaded properly.[br]
## Danger: Don't call this.
func _ready() -> void:
custom_modules_node.name = "Custom Modules"
# Cleanup
# Particularily useful during testing to cleanup stuff, or if you want to do some stupid stuff with CORE during runtime
func cleanup() -> void:
logger.infof("core", "Cleaning up")
var modules_reverse: Array[String] = modules.duplicate()
for module in modules_reverse:
await get(module)._cleanup()
for module in custom_modules_node.get_children(): unregister_custom_module(module.name)
# Initialize modules
## Initializes all modules during the first initialization phase.[br]
## [br]
## [b]NEVER call this yourself! You will break everything and risk a crash![/b]
## Initializes all built-in modules during the preinitialization phase.[br]
## Danger: Don't call this.
func initialize_modules() -> void:
for module in modules:
set(module, CoreBaseModule.new())
@ -102,18 +89,15 @@ func initialize_modules() -> void:
get(module).loggeri = logger.get_instance(basepath.replace("res://", "") + "src/" + module + ".gd")
# Inject modules into the SceneTree
## Injects CORE's builtin modules into the SceneTree.[br]
## [br]
## [b]NEVER call this yourself! You will break everything and risk a crash![/b]
## Danger: Don't call this.
func inject_modules() -> void: for module in modules: add_child(get(module))
# Wait for all modules to be fully initialized
## Wait for all builtin modules to be fully initialized.[br]
## Waits for all modules to fully initialize.[br]
## [br]
## This ensures that all of CORE's builtin modules are fully initialized and ready.
## [b]Not calling this function during startup may lead to runtime issues.[/b]
func complete_init(no_success: bool = false) -> void:
## This ensures that all modules are fully initialized and ready for usage.[br]
## [i][b]Not calling this function during startup may lead to runtime issues.[/b][/i]
func complete_init(no_success_message: bool = false) -> void:
var modsinit_builtin: Array[String] = ["workaround"]
var modsinit_custom: Array[String] = ["workaround"]
@ -138,9 +122,9 @@ func complete_init(no_success: bool = false) -> void:
# Initialization complete
await get_tree().process_frame
if !no_success: logger.infof("core", "Initialized CORE successfully")
if !no_success_message: logger.infof("core", "Initialized CORE successfully")
# Registers a custom module
# +++ custom module support +++
## Registers a new custom module.
func register_custom_module(module_name: String, module_origin: String, module_class: CoreBaseModule) -> bool:
logger.verbf("core", "Registering new custom module \"" + module_name + "\"")
@ -164,8 +148,7 @@ func register_custom_module(module_name: String, module_origin: String, module_c
return true
# Unregisters a custom module
## Unregisters a custom module, making it no longer function.
## Unregisters a custom module, making it no longer available.
func unregister_custom_module(module_name: String) -> void:
logger.verbf("core", "Unregistering custom module \"" + module_name + "\"")
if !custom_modules.has(module_name):
@ -178,8 +161,8 @@ func unregister_custom_module(module_name: String) -> void:
# Returns a custom module
## Returns a loaded custom module for access.
## Returns a registered custom module.[br]
## Please note that you can't get CORE's built-in modules with this function.
func get_custom_module(module_name: String) -> CoreBaseModule:
logger.diagf("core", "Getting custom module \"" + module_name + "\"")
if !custom_modules.has(module_name):
@ -187,8 +170,8 @@ func get_custom_module(module_name: String) -> CoreBaseModule:
return null
return custom_modules[module_name]
# (Re-)Load configuration
## Loads a (new) configuration file and applies it to all modules.
# +++ configuration +++
## Loads a (new) configuration object and applies it to all modules.
func reload_configuration(new_config: CoreConfiguration = CoreConfiguration.new()) -> void:
var initialized = config != null
if initialized: logger.verbf("core", "Reloading CORE's configuration")
@ -199,10 +182,8 @@ func reload_configuration(new_config: CoreConfiguration = CoreConfiguration.new(
if initialized: logger.verbf("core", "Overrode configuration (development mode)")
if initialized: apply_configuration()
# Call _pull_config() functions
## Applies the newly applied configuration.[br]
## [br]
## [b]NEVER call this yourself unless you know what you are doing![/b]
## Applies the a configuration.[br]
## Danger: Don't call this.
func apply_configuration() -> void:
logger.verbf("core", "Applying configuration")
if is_devmode(): logger.warnf("core", "The CORE Framework is in development mode. Here be dragons!")
@ -216,20 +197,37 @@ func apply_configuration() -> void:
logger.diagf("core", "Updating configuration for custom module \"" + module.name + "\"")
# Return development mode status
# +++ etc ++
## Makes sure that CORE does not leak memory on shutdown/unload.[br]
## Unloads all custom modules, built-in modules, frees any of CORE's classes and lastly itself.
func cleanup() -> void:
logger.infof("core", "Cleaning up")
var modules_reverse: Array[String] = modules.duplicate()
for module in modules_reverse:
await get(module)._cleanup()
for module in custom_modules_node.get_children(): unregister_custom_module(module.name)
## Returns if the CORE Framework is in development mode.
func is_devmode() -> bool:
return config.debugging and basepath == "res://" and OS.is_debug_build()
# Replaces variables with human-friendly strings
## Replaces placeholders with human-friendly strings You can use the following placeholders:[br]
## - [code]%release%[/code]: Returns the release number.[br]
## - [code]%release_type%[/code]: Returns the typerelease number[br]
## - [code]%release_semantic%[/code]: Returns the result of [method Core.get_version_semantic], example [i]5.2.3[/i][br]
## - [code]%type%[/code]: Returns the release type as a word, for example [i]Release Candidate[/i][br]
## - [code]%type_technical%[/code]: Returns the release type as one or two lowercase letters, for example [i]rc[/i][br]
## Replaces placeholders with human-friendly strings.[br]
## You can use the following placeholders:[br]
## - [code]%version%[/code]: Returns the version number.[br]
## - [code]%version_type%[/code]: Returns the version type number[br]
## - [code]%version_semantic%[/code]: Returns the result of [method Core.get_version_semantic], example [i]5.2.3[/i][br]
## - [code]%version_type%[/code]: Returns the version type as a word, for example [i]Release Candidate[/i][br]
## - [code]%version_type_technical%[/code]: Returns the version type as one or two lowercase letters, for example [i]rc[/i][br]
## - [code]%devmode%[/code]: Returns the development mode status[br]
## - [code]%headless%[/code]: Returns the headless mode status
## - [code]%headless%[/code]: Returns the headless mode status[br]
## - [code]%custommodules%[/code]: Returns if custom module support is enabled
func get_formatted_string(string: String) -> String:
# Version strings
string = string.replace("%version%", str(version_version))
@ -238,17 +236,17 @@ func get_formatted_string(string: String) -> String:
string = string.replace("%version_semantic%", str(semantic_version[0]) + "." + str(semantic_version[1]) + "." + str(semantic_version[2]))
string = string.replace("%type%", "Release")
string = string.replace("%type_technical%", "r")
string = string.replace("%version_type%", "Release")
string = string.replace("%version_type_technical%", "r")
string = string.replace("%type%", "Release Candidate")
string = string.replace("%type_technical%", "rc")
string = string.replace("%version_type%", "Release Candidate")
string = string.replace("%version_type_technical%", "rc")
string = string.replace("%type%", "Beta")
string = string.replace("%type_technical%", "b")
string = string.replace("%version_type%", "Beta")
string = string.replace("%version_type_technical%", "b")
string = string.replace("%type%", "Alpha")
string = string.replace("%type_technical%", "a")
string = string.replace("%version_type%", "Alpha")
string = string.replace("%version_type_technical%", "a")
_: await logger.crashf("core", "Invalid version type " + str(version_type), true)
# Development mode
if is_devmode(): string = string.replace("%devmode%", "Enabled")
@ -261,9 +259,8 @@ func get_formatted_string(string: String) -> String:
else: string = string.replace("%custommodules%", "Disabled")
return string
# Return CORE's version in the semantic versioning scheme
## Returns CORE's versioning scheme into the semantic versioning scheme.[br]
## The first integer contains the release number, the second integer contains the release type ([code]0[/code] for alpha, [code]1[/code] for beta, [code]2[/code] for rc and [code]3[/code] for release and the last integer contains the typerelease number.
## The first integer contains the version number, the second integer contains the version type ([code]0[/code] for alpha, [code]1[/code] for beta, [code]2[/code] for rc and [code]3[/code] for release and the last integer contains the version type number.
func get_version_semantic() -> Array[int]:
var version_type_int: int
@ -273,10 +270,8 @@ func get_version_semantic() -> Array[int]:
CoreTypes.VersionType.ALPHA: version_type_int = 0
return [version_version, version_type_int, version_typerelease]
# Determines CORE's installation/base path
## Determines CORE's installation/base path[br]
## [br]
## [b]Calling this function is likely to be safe, but shouldn't be done nonetheless![/b]
## Determines CORE's installation/base path.[br]
## Danger: Do not call.
func determine_basepath() -> bool:
if FileAccess.file_exists("res://.corebasepath"):
basepath = "res://"