Merge develop into stable (v1-release0)

Reviewed-on: #26
This commit is contained in:
JeremyStar™ 2024-04-14 15:02:07 +02:00
commit 1055f34106
7 changed files with 57 additions and 17 deletions

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@ -17,12 +17,21 @@ Puts the framework into development mode. \
Unlocks experimental features.
### *bool* <u>custom_modules</u> = *false*
Allows or disallows custom modules.
### *bool* <u>automatic_shutdown</u> = *true*
If `quit_safely` (and by extension `Core.cleanup`) should be called when pressing the X.
## Logger
### *CoreTypes.LoggerLevel* <u>logger_level</u> = *CoreTypes.LoggerLevel.INFO*
The minimum log level you want to be displayed.
### *bool* <u>logger_colored</u> = *true*
Determines if the logger's output should be colored.
### *bool* <u>logger_detect_verbose_mode</u> = *false*
Updating this during runtime does nothing.
Determines if the logger should check if running in verbose mode (see [`OS.is_stdout_verbose`]( \
Comes with a huge performance penalty on startup, delaying startup by about one to two seconds. \
Update `verbose_mode` accordingly yourself if you've disabled this, or diagnostic log messages might appear messed up. \
### *String* <u>logger_format</u> = *"%color%[%time%] [%level% %source%:%line%] %message%"*
The template for all log messages
Available placeholders are: `%time%`, `%time_ms%`, `%level%`, `%color%`, `%message%`, `%source%`, `%source_raw%`, `%function%` and `%line%`

View file

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ CORE's version type number. Resets on every new version and version type.
## Modules
Use these to access CORE's modules.
- [`config`](/reference/coreconfiguration) (**NEVER access this yourself. To change the configuration, use `reload_configuration()` instead**)
- [`config`](/reference/config) (**NEVER access this yourself. To change the configuration, use `reload_configuration()` instead**)
- `scheduler` (runs clean up tasks periodically)
- [`logger`](/reference/logger)
- [`misc`](/reference/misc)

View file

@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ Allows for colored output, better newlines, multiple logger levels and a large v
## Signals
### <u>log_event</u>
- Signature: *bool* <u>allowed</u>, *CoreTypes.LoggerLevel* <u>level</u>, *Dictionary* <u>origin</u>, *String* <u>message</u>, *String* <u>format</u> \
- Signature: *bool* <u>allowed</u>, *CoreTypes.LoggerLevel* <u>level</u>, *String* <u>origin</u>, *String* <u>message</u>, *String* <u>format</u> \
Emitted on any log call, permitted or not. \
**origin** contains the keys `source`, `source_clean`, `function` and `line`. \
**format** is set to `""` when **allowed** is set `false`.
## Variables
@ -22,6 +21,9 @@ Do not call this.
Keeps track of all logger instances.
Unused instances will be cleaned periodically.
### *bool* <u>verbose_mode</u> = *false*
Used to determine if running in verbose/command line mode.
Makes diagnostic log messages display correctly (workaround for Godot's ANSI true color limitation).
## Functions
### *void* <u>_log</u>(*CoreTypes.LoggerLevel* <u>level</u>, *String* <u>origin</u>, *String* <u>message</u>)

View file

@ -17,11 +17,19 @@ class_name CoreConfiguration
@export var development: bool
## Allows or disallows custom modules.
@export var custom_modules: bool
## If [method Core.quit_safely] (and by extension [method Core.cleanup]) should be called when pressing the X.
@export var automatic_shutdown: bool
## The minimum log level you want to be displayed.
@export var logger_level: CoreTypes.LoggerLevel
## Determines if the logger's output should be colored.
@export var logger_colored: bool
## Determines if the logger should check if running in verbose mode (see [method OS.is_stdout_verbose]).[br]
## Comes with a huge performance penalty on startup, delaying startup by about one to two seconds.[br]
## Update [code]verbose_mode[/code] accordingly yourself if you've disabled this, or diagnostic log messages might appear messed up.[br]
## [b]Warning: [i]Updating this during runtime does nothing.[/i][/b]
@export var logger_detect_verbose_mode: bool
## The template for all log messages.[br]
## Available placeholders are: [code]%time%[/code], [code]%time_ms%[/code], [code]%level%[/code], [code]%color%[/code], [code]%message%[/code], [code]%source%[/code], [code]%source_raw%[/code], [code]%function%[/code] and [code]%line%[/code]
@export var logger_format: String
@ -29,6 +37,7 @@ class_name CoreConfiguration
@export var logger_newlines_override: bool
## The maximum amount of characters excluding the message before newlines are no longer idented. Set to [code]-1[/code] to disable this behaviour.
@export var logger_newlines_sizelimit: int
@export_category("Log UI")
## Enables or disables Log UI.
@export var logui_enabled: bool
@ -46,10 +55,12 @@ func _init() -> void:
headless = false
development = false
custom_modules = false
automatic_shutdown = true
# Logger
logger_level = CoreTypes.LoggerLevel.INFO
logger_colored = true
logger_detect_verbose_mode = false
logger_format = "%color%[%time%] [%level% %origin%] %message%"
logger_newlines_override = true
logger_newlines_sizelimit = 40

View file

@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ class_name Core
## The version number
const version_version: int = 1
## The version type. See [enum CoreTypes.VersionType] for more information.
const version_type: CoreTypes.VersionType = CoreTypes.VersionType.RELEASECANDIDATE
const version_type: CoreTypes.VersionType = CoreTypes.VersionType.RELEASE
## The version type number. Resets on every new version and version type.
const version_typerelease: int = 1
const version_typerelease: int = 0
# Modules
## Used internally for loading, managing and unloading modules.
@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ func _ready() -> void:
loggeri = logger.get_instance(basepath.replace("res://", "") + "src/", self)
get_tree().auto_accept_quit = false
## Initializes all built-in modules during the preinitialization phase.[br]
## [b]Danger: [i]Don't call this.[/i][/b]
@ -142,7 +143,7 @@ func complete_init(no_success_message: bool = false) -> void:
# Print and sleep
if modsinit_builtin.size() != 0 or modsinit_custom.size() != 0:
print("Waiting for modules to finish initialization:")
if modsinit_builtin.size() != 0: print(" Builtin: " + str(modsinit_builtin))
if modsinit_builtin.size() != 0: print(" Built-in: " + str(modsinit_builtin))
if modsinit_custom.size() != 0: print(" Custom: " + str(modsinit_custom))
await get_tree().create_timer(1).timeout
@ -156,7 +157,7 @@ func reload_configuration(new_config: CoreConfiguration =
var initialized = config != null
if initialized: loggeri.verb("Reloading CORE's configuration")
if config != null: config.queue_free()
config = new_config
config = new_config.duplicate()
if is_devmode(): # Override configuration in development mode
config.logger_level = CoreTypes.LoggerLevel.DIAG
if initialized: loggeri.verb("Overrode configuration (development mode)")
@ -166,16 +167,14 @@ func reload_configuration(new_config: CoreConfiguration =
## [b]Danger: [i]Don't call this.[/i][/b]
func apply_configuration() -> void:
if loggeri != null: loggeri.verb("Applying configuration")
if is_devmode(): if loggeri != null: loggeri.warn("The CORE Framework is in development mode. Here be dragons!")
if config.headless: loggeri.warn("CORE is in headless mode. Certain modules will not work as expected.")
if is_devmode() and loggeri != null: loggeri.warn("The CORE Framework is in development mode. Here be dragons!")
if !config.custom_modules:
if loggeri != null: loggeri.verb("Removing all custom modules (custom modules support is disabled)")
if loggeri != null: loggeri.diag("Removing all custom modules (custom modules support is disabled)")
for module in custom_modules: unregister_custom_module(module)
for module in modules: get(module)._pull_config()
if config.custom_modules:
for module in custom_modules:
if loggeri != null: loggeri.diag("Updating configuration for custom module \"" + + "\"")
# +++ custom module support +++
## Registers a new custom module.
@ -229,16 +228,16 @@ func get_custom_module(module_name: String) -> CoreBaseModule:
## Unloads all custom modules, built-in modules, frees any of CORE's classes and lastly itself.
func cleanup() -> void:"Cleaning up")
for module in custom_modules_node.get_children(): unregister_custom_module(
var modules_reverse: Array[String] = modules.duplicate()
for module in modules_reverse:
await get(module)._cleanup()
for module in custom_modules_node.get_children(): unregister_custom_module(
## Returns if the framework is in development mode.
@ -340,3 +339,9 @@ func quit_safely(exitcode: int = 0) -> void:
await get_tree().create_timer(0.25).timeout
await cleanup()
func _notification(what) -> void:
if config.automatic_shutdown:
await quit_safely(0)

View file

@ -28,6 +28,10 @@ signal log_event
## [b]Danger: [i]Don't modify this.[/i][/b]
var instances: Array[CoreLoggerInstance] = []
## Used to determine if running in verbose/command line mode.[br]
## Makes diagnostic log messages display correctly (workaround for Godot's ANSI true color limitation).
var verbose_mode: bool = false
## The minimum log level you want to be displayed.
var config_level: CoreTypes.LoggerLevel
## Determines if the logger's output should be colored.
@ -41,6 +45,14 @@ var config_newlines_override: bool
var config_newlines_sizelimit: int
# +++ module +++
func _initialize() -> void:
if core.config.logger_detect_verbose_mode and OS.is_stdout_verbose():
verbose_mode = true
func _cleanup() -> void:
await get_tree().process_frame
func _schedule() -> void:
for instance in instances:
if !is_instance_valid(instance): continue
@ -73,7 +85,8 @@ func _log(level: CoreTypes.LoggerLevel, origin: String, message: String) -> void
format = format.replace("%level%", "DIAG")
format_newline = format_newline.replace("%level%", "DIAG")
format = format.replace("%color%", "[color=dark_gray]")
if verbose_mode: format = format.replace("%color%", "[color=gray]")
else: format = format.replace("%color%", "[color=dark_gray]")
format = format.replace("%level%", "VERB")
format_newline = format_newline.replace("%level%", "VERB")