diff --git a/coreinit.gd b/coreinit.gd index f896556..f264748 100644 --- a/coreinit.gd +++ b/coreinit.gd @@ -27,12 +27,12 @@ func _ready() -> void: get_tree().quit(143) return if get_node_or_null(NodePath("/root/Logger")) == null: - print("coreinit -> The CORE logger is missing in your autoload project settings! Please retry installing CORE.") + print("coreinit -> The CORE logger is missing in your autoload project settings!") await get_tree().create_timer(0.1).timeout get_tree().quit(144) return if get_node_or_null(NodePath("/root/Preprocessor")) == null: - print("coreinit -> The CORE preprocessor is missing in your autoload project settings! Please retry installing CORE.") + print("coreinit -> The CORE preprocessor is missing in your autoload project settings!") await get_tree().create_timer(0.1).timeout get_tree().quit(145) return