###################################### # THE CORE FRAMEWORK # # MADE BY THE STAROPENSOURCE PROJECT # # AND CONTRIBUTERS (THANK YOU!) # # # # COPYRIGHT 2023 THE STAROPENSOURCE # # PROJECT AND CONTRIBUTERS # # # # LICENSED UNDER THE GNU GENERAL # # PUBLIC LICENSE VERSION 3 (ONLY) # ###################################### extends Node # CORE modules var core = null var logger = null # Config var config_enabled = null var config_image = null var config_image_size = null var config_color = null # Makes the splash screen pretty func apply_config() -> void: if core.protection_mode: return $Background.color = config_color $Background/Image.texture = ResourceLoader.load(config_image) $Background/Image.size = Vector2i(config_image_size,config_image_size) if config_enabled: display() else: $Background.visible = false # The next two functions are very self explanitory func display() -> void: if core.protection_mode: return logger.info("CORE/splash.gd","Displaying splash screen") get_tree().root.move_child($"/root/CORE/",0) $Background.visible = true func dissolve() -> void: if core.protection_mode: return logger.info("CORE/splash.gd","Dissolving splash screen") $Background.visible = false