# splash.gd # Splash screen # # This file is part of StarOpenSource CORE (SOSCORE) # Made by the StarOpenSource Project and Contributers # Licensed under GNU GPLv3 extends Node @onready var core = get_node("/root/core") @onready var enabled = core.config.splash_enabled @onready var image = core.config.splash_image @onready var image_size = core.config.splash_image_size @onready var color = core.config.splash_color func _ready() -> void: apply_config() if enabled: display() else: $Background.visible = false core.setready() func apply_config() -> void: $Background.color = color $Background/Image.texture = ResourceLoader.load(image) $Background/Image.size = Vector2i(image_size,image_size) func display() -> void: Logger.info("splash","Displaying splash screen") get_tree().root.move_child($"/root/ccr",0) $Background.visible = true func dissolve() -> void: Logger.info("splash","Dissolving splash screen") $Background.visible = false