# core.gd # CORE Holder # # This file is part of StarOpenSource CORE (SOSCORE) # Made by the StarOpenSource Project and Contributers # Licensed under GNU GPLv3 extends Node const version = "git-develop" var locked = false var config = null var wmgr = null var smgr = null var autoload = null func attach(type:String,component:Script) -> void: if locked: return Logger.diag("core","Attaching " + type + " to CORE") var comp = Control.new() comp.name = type comp.set_script(component) match(type): "config": add_child(comp) config = comp "wmgr": add_child(comp) wmgr = comp "smgr": add_child(comp) smgr = comp "autoload": add_child(comp) autoload = comp _: Logger.error("core","Failed attaching " + type + " to CORE: Invalid component") comp.free() return Logger.diag("core","Attached " + type + " successfully") func lock() -> void: locked = true Logger.diag("core","CORE is now locked. No new attachments can be made.") func welcome() -> void: Logger.info("core","CORE " + version + " welcomes you!It seems like everything is working :)")