#!/bin/make CORE=$(shell pwd) DOCSCONF=$(CORE)/mkdocs.yml DOCSOUT=$(CORE)/docs_out TESTPROJECT=/tmp/core_devproject dist: help help: @echo "Available tasks: docs-deps (installs the docs dependencies via pip)" @echo " docs-deps-paru (install the docs dependencies via paru)" @echo " docs-serve (starts development server)" @echo " docs-build (export prod ready documentation as html)" @echo " docs-clean (removes the built documentation)" @echo " mkdevprj (creates a dev project for development)" @echo " rmdevprj (removes the dev project)" docs-deps: @echo ":: Installing documentation dependencies" @echo " This may take a few minutes" @pip install -r requirements.txt docs-deps-paru: @echo ":: Installing documentation dependencies" @echo " This may take a few minutes" @paru -Sy --needed python-pyyaml-env-tag python-mergedeep python-six python-smmap python-gitdb python-urllib3 python-idna python-dateutil python-pytz python-babel python-requests python-regex python-pygments python-colorama python-watchdog python-packaging python-ghp-import python-click python-jinja python-yaml python-gitpython python-markupsafe pymdown-extensions mkdocs-material-pymdownx-extras mkdocs-git-revision-date-localized-plugin mkdocs-material mkdocs docs-serve: @echo ":: Serving documentation, press CTRL+C to exit" # prevent make from terminating @bash -c "mkdocs serve --dirtyreload --config-file "$(DOCSCONF)";exit 0" docs-build: @make docs-clean @echo ":: Building documentation" @mkdocs build --site-dir "$(DOCSOUT)" --config-file "$(DOCSCONF)" docs-clean: @echo ":: Removing built documentation" @rm -rf "$(DOCSOUT)" mkdevprj: @echo ":: Creating development project" @mkdir -p $(TESTPROJECT)/mods/testmod/ @echo -e "config_version=5\n[application]\nconfig/name=\"CORE development project\"\nrun/main_scene=\"res://CORE/coreinit.tscn\"\nconfig/use_custom_user_dir=true\nconfig/custom_user_dir_name=\"core_devproject\"\nconfig/features=PackedStringArray(\"4.1\", \"GL Compatibility\")\nboot_splash/bg_color=Color(0, 0, 0, 1)\nboot_splash/show_image=false\nconfig/icon=\"res://CORE/soscore.png\"\n[autoload]\nLogger=\"*res://CORE/logger.gd\"\nPreprocessor=\"*res://CORE/preprocessor.gd\"\n[display]\nwindow/size/viewport_width=960\nwindow/size/viewport_height=540\n[rendering]\nrenderer/rendering_method=\"gl_compatibility\"\nrenderer/rendering_method.mobile=\"gl_compatibility\"" > "$(TESTPROJECT)/project.godot" @echo -e "extends Node\n\n@onready\nvar core: Node = get_node(\"/root/core\")\n\nfunc _ready() -> void:\n core.welcome()" > "$(TESTPROJECT)/init.gd" @echo -e "extends Node\nvar core_startscript = \"res://init.gd\"\nvar wmgr_size_x = 960\nvar wmgr_size_y = 540\nvar wmgr_title = \"CORE development project\"\nvar wmgr_mode = 0\nvar splash_enabled = false\nvar splash_image = \"res://CORE/soscore.png\"\nvar splash_image_size = 256\nvar splash_color = \"000000\"\nvar moam_loadpath = \"res://mods/\"\nvar moam_wanted_name = \"coredevprj\"\nvar moam_wanted_version = 1\nvar moam_wanted_api = 1" > config.gd @echo -e "{\n\"wanted\": {\n\"min_version\": 1,\n\"max_version\": 1,\n\"min_api\": 1,\n\"max_api\": 1\n},\n\"mod\": {\n\"name\": \"CORE Test Mod\",\n\"version\": 1,\n\"version_friendly\": "1.0",\n\"authors\": [\n\"The CORE Team\"\n],\n\"license\": \"GNU General Public License v3\",\n\"entrypoint\": \"testmod.gd\"\n}\n}" > "$(TESTPROJECT)/mods/testmod/coredevprj.coremod" @echo -e "extends Node\n@onready\nvar core: Node = get_node(\"/root/core\")\nfunc _start() -> String:\n await get_tree().create_timer(0).timeout\n Logger.info(\"testmod\",\"_start() has been called.\")\n return \"\"\nfunc _stop() -> void:\n await get_tree().create_timer(0).timeout\n Logger.info(\"testmod\",\"_stop() has been called.\")" > "$(TESTPROJECT)/mods/testmod/testmod.gd" @ln -s $(CORE) $(TESTPROJECT)/CORE @echo ":: Development project created." @echo " You can now launch Godot and open '$(TESTPROJECT)'." @echo " Don't forget to save and execute 'make rmdevprj' when you're finished." rmdevprj: @echo ":: Removing development project" @echo ":: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" @echo ":: ! IMPORTANT WARNING !" @echo ":: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" @echo ":: ! Please remove the CORE !" @echo ":: ! development project from !" @echo ":: ! your project list or you !" @echo ":: ! will experience bugs if !" @echo ":: ! you edit the dev project !" @echo ":: ! again in the future! !" @echo ":: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" @echo ":: If you have done that, press [ENTER]." @read -rs @echo ":: Removing directory" @rm -rf $(TESTPROJECT) @rm -rf config.gd @echo ":: Removing 'uid://' strings" @#bash -c "for file in *.tscn; do cat \"\$$file\"|sed -E 's/\ uid=\"[^\"]*\"//g'|tee \$$file;done &> /dev/null" @echo ":: Please open all .tscn files and remove all 'uid=uid://' strings" @echo ":: If you have done that, press [ENTER]." @read -rs