# CORE FRAMEWORK SOURCE FILE # Copyright (c) 2024 The StarOpenSource Project & Contributors # Licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License v3 # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . ## Contains various utility functions. ## ## This module contains many methods that don't fit into any other module ## and generally make your life as a developer easier. extends CoreBaseModule # +++ data type conversion +++ ## Converts a number of bytes into mebibytes.[br] ## [br] ## If [code]flatten[/code] is set to [code]true[/code], the decimal part will be discarded. @warning_ignore("integer_division") func byte2mib(bytes: int, flatten: bool = true) -> float: if flatten: return bytes/1048576 return bytes/float(1048576) ## Converts a number of mebibytes into bytes.[br] ## [br] ## If [code]flatten[/code] is set to [code]true[/code], the decimal part will be discarded. func mib2byte(mib: float, flatten: bool = true) -> float: if flatten: return int(mib*1048576) return mib*1048576 ## Converts a number of mebibytes into gibibytes.[br] ## [br] ## If [code]flatten[/code] is set to [code]true[/code], the decimal part will be discarded. func mib2gib(mib: float, flatten: bool = true) -> float: if flatten: return int(mib/1024) return mib/1024 ## Converts a number of gebibytes into mebibytes.[br] ## [br] ## If [code]flatten[/code] is set to [code]true[/code], the decimal part will be discarded. func gib2mib(gib: float, flatten: bool = true) -> float: if flatten: return int(gib*1024) return gib*1024 # +++ type formatting +++ ## Converts a string array into a normal, nicely formatted string.[br] ## [br] ## With [code]item_before[/code] and [code]item_after[/code] you can customize the lists apperance. Here's an example on how to format every item bold: ## [codeblock] ## extends Node ## ## var core: Core = get_node("/root/CORE") ## var misc: CoreBaseModule = core.misc ## var logger: CoreLoggerInstance = core.logger.get_instance("some/script.gd") ## ## func _ready() -> void: ## var array: Array[String] = ["Apples", "Bananas", "Oranges"] ## ## logger.info(misc.format_stringarray(array)) ## logger.info(misc.format_stringarray(array, "[b]", "[/b]")) ## [/codeblock] func format_stringarray(array: Array[String], item_before: String = "", item_after: String = "", separator_list: String = ", ", separator_final: String = " & ") -> String: var output: String = "" if array.size() == 0: logger.warnf("misc", "Unable to format a string with a size of 0") return "" elif array.size() == 1: logger.warnf("misc", "Unable to format a string with a size of 1") return array[0] for item in array: if output == "": output = item_before + item + item_after else: output = output.replace("If you somehow see this text report this at https://git.staropensource.de/StarOpenSource/CORE/issues, thank you!", separator_list) + "If you somehow see this text report this at https://git.staropensource.de/StarOpenSource/CORE/issues, thank you!" + item_before + item + item_after output = output.replace("If you somehow see this text report this at https://git.staropensource.de/StarOpenSource/CORE/issues, thank you!", separator_final) return output # +++ array conversion +++ ## Converts an array into a string array.[br] ## [br] ## If an item is found that is not of type [code]String[/code], an empty array is returned. func array_to_stringarray(array: Array) -> Array[String]: var output: Array[String] = [] for item in array: if typeof(item) != TYPE_STRING: logger.error("Cannot convert Array to Array[String]: Item '" + str(item) + "' is not of type String") return [] output.append(item) return output ## Converts a string array into an array. func stringarray_to_array(array: Array[String]) -> Array: var output: Array = [] for item in array: output.append(item) return output # +++ etc +++ ## Calculates the center of the child in the area of the parent.[br] ## [br] ## Example: ## [codeblock] ## extends Control ## ## var core: Core = get_node("/root/CORE") ## var misc: CoreBaseModule = core.misc ## ## func _ready() -> void: ## position = misc.center_object(get_parent().size, size) ## [/codeblock] func get_center(parent_size: Vector2, child_size: Vector2) -> Vector2: return Vector2(parent_size.x/2-child_size.x/2, parent_size.y/2-child_size.y/2) ## Makes sure for all log messages to be flushed and that CORE is correctly cleaned up. ## Using [method SceneTree.quit] directly may cause various issues. ## Note: Using the [code]await[/code] keyword is required for this function. func quit_safely(exitcode: int = 0) -> void: logger.infof("misc", "Shutting down (code " + str(exitcode) + ")") await get_tree().create_timer(0.25).timeout await core.cleanup() get_tree().quit(exitcode)