# StarOpenSource CORE (aka. SOSCORE aka. CORE) CORE is a framework that simplifies development for games and applications made in Godot 4. # Documentaton [You can access the documentation by clicking this text.](https://git.staropensource.de/StarOpenSource/core/wiki) # For whom is it useful? CORE is only useful for new projects. Already existing projects could break because CORE has certain requirements that must be met. # Requirements - No autoload singletons are allowed before CORE has initialized - Startup scene must be `res://CORE/background.tscn` - Scene management must be done with smgr (the CORE scene manager) - Logging should be handled using the CORE logger # How to install - Clone CORE into your project root using `git clone https://git.staropensource.de/StarOpenSource/core.git CORE` - Remove any autoload singletons - Add three scripts to your autoload: | Name | Path | | ------------ | ---------------------------- | | coreloader | `res://CORE/coreloader.gd` | | Logger | `res://CORE/logger.gd` | | Preprocessor | `res://CORE/preprocessor.gd` | - Select `res://CORE/background.tscn` as your startup scene - [Follow the post-installation guide](https://git.staropensource.de/StarOpenSource/core/wiki/Using-CORE) # How to update - Close your project - Pull new changes using `git pull` - Reopen your project