#!/bin/bash # shellcheck disable=SC2181 disable=SC1091 disable=SC2236 # shellcheck disable=SC2068 ### TOBECHANGED # shellcheck disable=SC2317 ### TOBECHANGED_END # Check if root if [ ! "${UID}" == "0" ]; then echo ":: Error: Not running as root user" exit 1 fi # Determine $TMPDIR if [ ! -d "${TMPDIR}" ]; then if [ -d "/tmp" ]; then export "TMPDIR=/tmp/androot/" elif [ -d "/data/tmp" ]; then export "TMPDIR=/data/tmp/androot/" else echo ":: Error: \$TMPDIR could not be determined" exit 1 fi fi mkdir -p "${TMPDIR}" # Write source file cat << EOF > "${TMPDIR}/androot.source" # Functions ## Indicate failure function log_fail() { echo -e "\r\e[0m[\e[0;31mFAIL\e[0m]" } ## Indicate success function log_ok() { echo -e "\r\e[0m[\e[0;32m OK \e[0m]" } ## Indicate running execution function log_exec() { echo -ne "\e[0m[\e[0;34m....\e[0m] \${*}" } ## Diagnostic logging function log_diag() { if [ "\$DIAG" == "true" ]; then echo -e "\e[0m[\e[0;35mDIAG\e[0m] \${*}"; fi } ## Informational logging function log_info() { echo -e "\r\e[0m[\e[0;32mINFO\e[0m] \${*}" } ## Warning logging function log_warn() { echo -e "\r\e[0m[\e[0;33mWARN\e[0m] \${*}" } ## Error logging function log_error() { echo -e "\r\e[0m[\e[0;31mERR!\e[0m] \${*}" } ## Ask a question function log_ask() { echo -ne "\e[0m[\e[0;36mASKQ\e[0m] \${*}" read -r ANSWER } ## Ask for password function log_askpasswd() { echo -ne "\e[0m[\e[0;36mASKP\e[0m] \${*}" read -rs ANSWER echo "" } ## Ask for yes or no (agreement) function log_askyn() { if [ -z "\${2}" ]; then log_error "log_askyn requires at least two arguments" exit 1 fi export "ANSWER_FALLBACK=\${1}" shift echo -ne "\e[0m[\e[0;36mASKA\e[0m] \${*}" read -r ANSWER if [ "\${ANSWER,,}" == "y" ] || [ "\${ANSWER,,}" == "yes" ] || [ "\${ANSWER,,}" == "true" ] || [ "\${ANSWER}" == "" ]; then export "ANSWER=true" elif [ "\${ANSWER,,}" == "n" ] || [ "\${ANSWER,,}" == "no" ] || [ "\${ANSWER,,}" == "false" ]; then export "ANSWER=false" else export "ANSWER=\$ANSWER_FALLBACK" fi } # Global variables ## $BRANCH export "BRANCH=develop" ## $DOWNLOADSERVER_ROOTFS export "DOWNLOADSERVER_ROOTFS=https://fs.staropensource.de/rootfs/" ## $DOWNLOADSERVER_QEMUSTATIC export "DOWNLOADSERVER_QEMUSTATIC=https://fs.staropensource.de/qemu-static/" ## $DOWNLOADSERVER_BOOTSCRIPTS export "DOWNLOADSERVER_BOOTSCRIPTS=https://git.staropensource.de/StarOpenSource/androot.git" ## $ARCH case "$(uname -m)" in # 64-bit architectures (supported) x86_64|amd64) export "ARCH=x86_64";; aarch64|aarch64_be|armv8b|armv8l) export "ARCH=arm64";; ppc64|ppc64le) export "ARCH=powerpc64";; mips64) export "ARCH=mips64";; # 32-bit architectures (unsupported) x86|i386|i686) export "ARCH=x86";; arm) export "ARCH=arm";; powerpc|ppc|ppcle) export "ARCH=powerpc";; mips) export "ARCH=mips";; *) export "ARCH=unknown";; esac ## $IS_ANDROID if [ -d "/system" ] && [ -d "/data" ] && [ -d "/data/data" ] && [ ! -d "/home" ] && [ ! -d "/root" ]; then export "IS_ANDROID=true" else export "IS_ANDROID=false" fi EOF # Display banner echo -e "\e[0;33m ______ __ __ ____ ____ _____ _____ ______" echo -e "\e[0;33m/\\ _ \\/\\ \\/\\ \\/\\ _\`\\ /\\ _\`\\ /\\ __\`\\/\\ __\`\\/\\__ _\\" echo -e "\e[0;33m\\ \\ \\L\\ \\ \\ \`\\\\ \\ \\ \\/\\ \\ \\ \\L\\ \\ \\ \\/\\ \\ \\ \\/\\ \\/_/\\ \\/" echo -e "\e[0;33m \\ \\ __ \\ \\ , \` \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ , /\\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\" echo -e "\e[0;33m \\ \\ \\/\\ \\ \\ \\\`\\ \\ \\ \\_\\ \\ \\ \\\\ \\\\ \\ \\_\\ \\ \\ \\_\\ \\ \\ \\ \\" echo -e "\e[0;33m \\ \\_\\ \\_\\ \\_\\ \\_\\ \\____/\\ \\_\\ \\_\\ \\_____\\ \\_____\\ \\ \\_\\" echo -e "\e[0;33m \\/_/\\/_/\\/_/\\/_/\\/___/ \\/_/\\/ /\\/_____/\\/_____/ \\/_/" # Load source file source "${TMPDIR}/androot.source" # Clear/create log file { # if in diagnostic mode, print newlines ## reading the log output using tail during ## development with this is so much better, believe me if [ "${DIAG}" == "true" ]; then echo -e "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; fi echo "#### System information" echo "architecture ${ARCH}" echo "is_android ${IS_ANDROID}" echo "download_server_rootfs ${DOWNLOADSERVER_ROOTFS}" echo "download_server_qemustatic ${DOWNLOADSERVER_QEMUSTATIC}" echo "download_server_bootscripts ${DOWNLOADSERVER_BOOTSCRIPTS}" echo "args ${*}" echo "diag ${DIAG}" echo "#### System information" } &> "${TMPDIR}/androot.log" # Diagnostic mode log_diag "Diagnostic mode enabled" log_diag "Arguments: ${*}" # Check architecture case "${ARCH}" in "unknown") log_error "androot failed to detect your architecture. If you believe this is a bug, create a issue at \"https://git.staropensource.de/StarOpenSource/androot\"." exit 1 ;; "x86"|"arm"|"powerpc"|"mips") log_error "androot does not support legacy 32-bit systems, please use a 64-bit system instead." exit 1 ;; esac function run_script() { env "TMPDIR=${TMPDIR}" $@ if [ ! "${?}" == "0" ]; then exit 1 fi } case "${1}" in "--local") log_diag "Using local mode" run_script ./prepare.sh run_script ./rootfsinstall.sh --download run_script ./rootfsinstall.sh --decompress run_script ./mount.sh --mount run_script ./bootscriptdl.sh --download run_script ./bootscriptdl.sh --configure run_script ./bootscriptdl.sh --install-qemu exit 0 run_script ./installsystem.sh --configure run_script ./installsystem.sh --update run_script ./patch.sh run_script ./mount.sh --unmount run_script ./finish.sh;; "--download") log_diag "Using download mode" ### UNIMPLEMENTED log_exec Downloading files log_fail exit 1;; ### UNIMPLEMENTED_END "--help"|"-h") log_diag "Displaying help" log_info "Available arguments:" log_info "--local [execute androot from cwd] --download [download androot scripts and execute] --help [display args and vars]" log_info "Available environment variables:" log_info "DIAG [displays diagnostic messages, true/false] ALLOW_SHM [allows using /dev/shm as a location, true/false]";; *) log_diag "i thought putting a little \"advertisement parody\" in here would be funny" log_error "StarOpenSource is happy to present the latest and greatest version of --help! --help now uses cutting edge technology to display the most useful help to you, and that for only zero dollars!";; esac