The StarOpenSource Project

Libre software development. Other organizations: [Archive] [Infrastructure]

Stephenson 2 DFK 1
The CORE Framework, simplifying game and app development since 2023
Updated 2024-08-18 13:04:58 +02:00
StarOpenSource's UI elements for the Godot Engine
Updated 2024-07-24 02:07:09 +02:00
StarOpenSource's custom CORE modules
Updated 2024-05-29 19:51:56 +02:00
Used for distributing the CORE Framework using git only.
Updated 2024-05-18 19:28:04 +02:00
Distribution repository for StarOpenSource UI (SUI)
Updated 2024-05-15 00:58:30 +02:00
A dead simple and easy to setup unit testing system for Godot 4.
Updated 2024-04-19 20:24:34 +02:00

Members 1