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2022-06-18 13:05:48 +02:00

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extends AweSplashScreenViewport
onready var logo_container := $ViewportContainer/Viewport/AspectNode/LogoContainer
onready var logo := $ViewportContainer/Viewport/AspectNode/LogoContainer/Logo
onready var info_node := $ViewportContainer/Viewport/AspectNode/InfoNode
onready var title_node := $ViewportContainer/Viewport/AspectNode/TitleNode
onready var bg_color := $CanvasLayer/ColorRect
export(String, FILE) var logo_path = "res://src/demo_collection/dark/src/logo.png"
export(String) var title := "GODOT"
export(String) var description := "Game engine"
export (float) var duration := 4.0
export (Color) var background_color = Color8(0, 0, 0, 255)
export (Color) var vfx_color = Color8(59, 235, 38, 255)
export (float) var title_font_size := 230
export (float) var description_font_size := 120
var logo_color = Color8(255, 255, 255, 255)
var font_color := Color.white
# config shader hologram
const HOLOGRAM_VALUE = 0.75
const HOLOGRAM_NOISE = 10.0
const HOLOGRAM_SPEED = 1.0
func get_name() -> String:
return "Dark"
func _ready():
func config():
bg_color.color = background_color
logo.texture = load_texture(logo_path)
logo.modulate = logo_color
var center_point = self.origin_size / 2.0
logo_container.modulate = logo_color
logo_container.position = center_point + Vector2(0, -100)
logo_container.scale = Vector2(0.8, 0.8)
# Config TitleNode
title_node.font.size = title_font_size
title_node.modulate = font_color
title_node.text = title
title_node.position = center_point + Vector2(0, 50)
# Config InfoNode
info_node.font.size = description_font_size
info_node.modulate = font_color
info_node.text = description
info_node.position = center_point + Vector2(0, 225)
logo_container.modulate.a = 0
title_node.modulate.a = 0
info_node.modulate.a = 0
func config_shader():
_set_shader_f_value("hologram_value", HOLOGRAM_VALUE)
_set_shader_f_value("hologram_noise_x", HOLOGRAM_NOISE)
_set_shader_f_value("hologram_speed", HOLOGRAM_SPEED)
_set_shader_color_value("tint_color", vfx_color)
func play():
func main_animation():
gd.fade_alpha_to(1, 1).with_delay(duration * 0.1).start(logo_container)
gd.fade_alpha_to(1, 1).with_delay(duration * 0.25).start(title_node)
gd.fade_alpha_to(1, 1).with_delay(duration * 0.4).start(info_node)
gd.fade_alpha_to(0.0, duration * 0.2),
gd.perform("finished_animation", self) # finished and move other screen