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0 Introduction Introduces StarOpenSource's policies and why we have them

Introduction to our policies

As many other things, the StarOpenSource community is governed by rules and policies. These ensure that the integrity of the community stays intact and is held together. We have a multitude of policies regarding StarOpenSource, it's members and projects, which all determine how work shall be organized, workflows done and communication made.


Yes, not only countries can have constitutions. In StarOpenSource's case, these lay ground rules in which the project may develop into and into which it can't. All members, projects and even the organization itself are required to follow these policies.

Terms of Service

These govern the usage of our provided services. Anything interacting on or with StarOpenSource's infrastructure is required to follow these guidelines.

Development policies

These govern how software is developed inside the StarOpenSource Project. They determine workflows, code style, maintenance efforts, how issue tracking is performed and much more.