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title: Welcome
# sos!engine documentation
Welcome to the documentation for the StarOpenSource Engine!
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## What is it?
The StarOpenSource Engine (or **sos!engine** for short) is a modular, extensible and easy to use Java game and application engine. \
It is responsible for the logging infrastructure, creating and managing windows, playing audio and much more.
## Why another one?
Yeah, it's true that there are many game engines and frameworks out there that intend to ease development of applications and games.
I ([JeremyStarTM](https://git.staropensource.de/JeremyStarTM)) however have never seen an engine or framework, which can be extended easily, without having to fork it and without a complicated development setup.
And I don't mean what you make within the bounds of the engine or framework, no, I mean the engine/framework itself.
## Architecture of the engine
The engine consists of the core engine (`base` dependency in your project) and various subsystems (`slf4j-compat`, `windowing`, etc.). \
The job of the base engine is to provide minimal classes and interfaces needed for an application.
It contains among other things a default logger implementation, useful methods, event system and a placeholder system. \
Subsystems on the other hand usually handle complex tasks. They provide abstractions for libraries and operating system calls. \
"But why are there so many of them?" you might ask. Good question! Subsystems are intended to [do one thing and do it well](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix_philosophy).
## Available official subsystems
Besides the `base` engine, there is one stable subsystem, two experimental subsystems and one stub subsystem.
### Stable
- [`ansi`](https://git.staropensource.de/StarOpenSource/Engine/src/branch/develop/ansi): Provides an ANSI logging implementation and a ShortcodeParserSkeleton implementation
- [`slf4j-compat`](https://git.staropensource.de/StarOpenSource/Engine/src/branch/develop/slf4j-compat): Provides [SLF4J](https://slf4j.org/) compatibility logger that redirects all log calls to the engine.
### Experimental
- [`windowing`](https://git.staropensource.de/StarOpenSource/Engine/src/branch/develop/windowing): Provides abstract APIs for creating and managing windows and monitors.
- [`windowing-glfw`](https://git.staropensource.de/StarOpenSource/Engine/src/branch/develop/windowing/glfw): Windowing API, allowing GLFW to be used for creating windows and recieving input.
## API documentation
To read the engine API documentation, visit [jd.engine.staropensource.de](https://jd.engine.staropensource.de).