JeremyStarTM c55cff04a8
All checks were successful
push-build-apidoc / generate-javadoc (push) Successful in 1m4s
push-build-apidoc / build (push) Successful in 1m8s
Update to sos!engine v1-alpha6 + more
This commit not only updates the engine, but also adds/changes the following things:
- repository to download from
- engine initialization failures are now properly caught and complained about
- rename package to reflect v1-alpha6's package changes
- update links in README.md
2024-10-16 01:45:40 +02:00

41 lines
2.3 KiB

# StarOpenSource EngineMC
EngineMC (or sos!enginemc for short) is a port of the [StarOpenSource Engine](https://git.staropensource.de/StarOpenSource/Engine) to Minecraft and it's various plugin and mod loaders.
## Index
- [Using EngineMC](#using-enginemc)
- [Bukkit](#bukkit)
- [Sponge, Fabric, Quilt, (Neo-)Forge & others](#sponge-fabric-quilt-neo-forge--others)
- [The `/enginemc` command](#the-enginemc-command)
- [Known issues](#known-issues)
- [Reflection is broken](#reflection-is-broken)
- [Contributing](#contributing)
## Using EngineMC
As a rule of thumb, don't do anything stupid in your plugin or modification.
This includes:
- initializing the engine manually
- accessing undocumented or internal methods, fields, etc.
- using `EngineInternals`
Everything should work out of the box.
### Bukkit
Simply declare the plugin `sosenginemc` as a hard dependency in your `plugin.yml` file.
### Sponge, Fabric, Quilt, (Neo-)Forge & others
EngineMC does not yet support these plugin/mod loaders yet, sorry.
## The `/enginemc` command
The `/enginemc` command allows access into the engine without the use of plugins.
It can do the following things:
- read and modify the engine configuration
- parse placeholders using the `PlaceholderEngine` class and return it back
- force garbage collection
- display JVM information
## Known issues
### Reflection is broken
Due to how the mod and plugin loaders load JAR files, scanning the classpath for annotations does not work.
This means that events have to be registered manually. You can do that by calling [`EventHelper#registerEvent`](https://jd.engine.staropensource.de/v1-alpha6/base/de/staropensource/engine/base/implementable/helper/EventHelper.html#registerEvent(java.lang.Class,de.staropensource.engine.base.implementable.EventListenerCode,de.staropensource.engine.base.type.EventPriority))).
If you want to use a specific subsystem, either find or make a plugin/mod porting that subsystem to Minecraft (best option), or shade and include the subsystem in your final JAR and hope nothing breaks. Only do that if you have no other choice or the subsystem is specific to your plugin or modification.
## Contributing
Please see [sos!engine's contributing section](https://git.staropensource.de/StarOpenSource/Engine/src/branch/develop/README.md#contributing)